Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia 2012
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
  • English

    (5) Women must be included in all national institutions, in an effective way, in particular all elected and appointed positions across the three branches of government and in national independent commissions. (Art. 3)
  • Somali

    (5) Haweenku waa in ay ka mid noqdaan dhammaan hay’adaha guud ee qaranka, si wax-ku-ool ah, gaar ahaan jagooyinka la isu doorto iyo kuwa la isu magacaabo ee saddexda laamood ee Dawladda iyo Guddiyada Madaxbannaan ee Qaranka. (Qodobka 3aad.)
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    (1) The people of the Federal Republic of Somalia are one, indivisible and comprise all the citizens.
    (2) There shall be only one Somali citizenship, and the House of the People of the Federal Parliament of Somalia shall enact a special law that shall define how to obtain, suspend, or lose it.
    (3) A person who is a Somali citizen cannot be deprived of Somali citizenship, even if they become a citizen of another country.
    (4) Denial, suspension, or deprivation of Somali citizenship may not be based on political grounds. (Art. 8)
  • Somali
    (1) Shacabka Soomaaliyeed waa mid, lamana kala qaybin karo, wuxuuna ka kooban yahay dhammaan muwaadiniinta.
    (2) Jinsiyadda Soomaaliyeed waa mid qur ah, sharci gaar ah oo ay soo saaraan Golaha Shacabka ee Dawlada Federaalka Soomaaliyeed ayaana xaddidaya sida lagu helayo, lagu laalayo ama lagu waayayo.
    (3) Qof leh jinsiyadda Soomaaliyeed lagama qaadi karo jinsiyadda Soomaaliyeed, xataa hadduu qaato jinsiyad dal kale.
    (4) Diidmada, laalista iyo ka-qaadista jinsiyadda laguma xiri karo asbaabo siyaasadeed. (Qodobka 8aad.)
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    The allocation of powers and resources shall be negotiated and agreed upon by the Federal Government and the Federal Member States (pending the formation of Federal Member States), except in matters concerning: ... (C) Citizenship and Immigration; … which shall be within the powers and responsibilities of the federal government. (Art. 54)
  • Somali
    Awood-qaybsiga siyaasadeed iyo dhaqaale waxaa ka wada xaajoon doona Dawladda Federaalka iyo Dawladaha ka mid noqonaya Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya marka laga reebo: ... C)Jinsiyadda iyo Socdaalka ... oo ay awooddeeda iyo mas’uuliyaddeeda yeelaneyso dowladda federaalka. (Qodobka 54aad.)
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English
    (1) After the Shari’ah, the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia is the supreme law of the country. It binds the government and guides policy initiatives and decisions in all sections of government.
    (2) Any law, or administrative action that is contrary to the Constitution may be invalidated by the Constitutional Court, which has the authority to do so in accordance with this Constitution. (Art. 4)
  • Somali
    (1) Shareecada ka sokow, Dastuurka Soomaaliya waa sharciga dalka ugu sarreeya, isaga ayayna xukuumaddu u hoggaansamaysaa, wuxuuna hagayaa hal-abuurka iyo go’aannada siyaasadeed ee qaybaha Dawladda oo dhan.
    (2) Sharci kasta ama tallaabo maamul oo ka soo horjeedda Dastuurka, maxkamadda Dastuuriga ah ayaa awood u leh burrinta sharcigaas ama tallaabadaas maamul, si waafaqsan Dastuurkan. (Qodobka 4aad.)
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English

    (1) Legislation that has been passed in accordance with the legislative procedure, as stipulated in this Chapter3, may be challenged only if it is alleged to contradict the Constitution.
    (2) Legislation that has been passed in accordance with the legislative procedure, as stipulated in this Chapter, may be challenged by:
    (a) All members of the Upper House of the Federal Parliament or one representative of a Federal Member State;
    (b) A third of the members of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament;
    (c) The Council of Ministers of the Federal Republic of Somalia; or
    (d) Ten thousand (10,000) or more registered voters.
    (3) Legislation that has been challenged, in accordance with Clause 1 and 2 of this Article, must be presented to, and decided upon, only by the Constitutional Court.
    … (Art. 86)

  • Somali

    (1) Sharci maray habraaca ansixinta sharciyada iyo dhaqangeliddaba waxaa lagu duri karaa oo keliya inuu ka soo horjeedo Dastuurka.
    (2) Sharci maray shuruudaha ku xusan cutubkan waxaa duri kara:
    (a) Golaha Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka, asagoo isu dhan ama ergo hal Dawladaha xubinta ka ah Dawladda Federaalka ka mid ah;
    (b) Saddax meelood meel ka mid ah xildhibaannada Golaha Shacabka Federaalka;
    (c) Golaha Wasiirrada Federaalka;
    (d) Ugu yaraan 10,000(toban kun) oo cod bixiye oo diiwaangashan.
    (3) Duridda sharci si waafaqsan faqradaha 1 iyo 2 ee qodobkan waxaa la horgeyn karaa go’aanna ka gaari karta Maxkamadda Dastuuriga ah oo keliya.
    … (Qodobka 86aad.)

Jurisdiction and Access
  • English
    2) If a case is presented before a court and the case concerns a constitutional matter, the court may refer the case to the Constitutional Court.
    (a) Any court with judicial powers can decide on whether a matter brought before it is a constitutional matter or not, if this will not contradict the exclusive powers of the Constitutional Court, as stipulated in Article 109C of the Constitution;
    (b) The Constitutional Court is the final authority in constitutional matters;
    (c) The Constitutional Court shall have sole jurisdiction on matters of interpretation of the Constitution which have not arisen out of court litigation;
    (d) Any individual or group, or the government may submit a reference application directly to the Constitutional Court on matters concerning the public interest.
    … (Art. 109)
  • Somali
    (2) Maxkamad haddii la horgeeyo dacwad oo ay sharci ahaan dacwadaas quseyso arin Dastuuri ah, maxkamadaasi waxay u celin kartaa dacwadaasi maxkamada Dastuuriga si ay uga gaarto go’aan:
    (a) Maxkamad walba oo awood Garsoor lihi wey go’aamin kartaa in arrini la hor keenay ay tahay mid dastuuri ah iyo in kale, mar haddii aanay ka hor imanayn awoodaha gaarka aah ee Maxkamadda Dastuurka sida kuxusan Qodobka 109C ee Dastuurka.
    (b) Maxkamadda Dastuurka ayaa ah garsooraha kama danbeysta ah ee arrimaha dastuurka;
    (c) Maxkamadda Dastuurka keliya ayaa leh awoodda garsoor ee qeexidda arrimaha dastuurka ee aan ka iman kiisaska maxkamadeed;
    (d) Shakhsi ama koox ama dawladdiba si toos ah ayeey ugu gudbin karaan maxkamadd Dastuurka codsi tixraac ah oo la xiriira arrimaha khuseeya danaha dadaweynaha.
    … (Qodobka 109aad.)
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English
    (1) The Constitutional Court shall have the following exclusive powers:
    (a) Upon request from a member of the Council of Ministers, a committee from either one of the Houses, or ten members of either House of the Federal Parliament, to review draft legislation, and determine its compatibility with the Constitution;
    (b) To hear and decide cases as stipulated in Article 86 concerning challenges to the constitutionality of a law passed by the Federal Parliament;
    (c) To hear and decide on cases that have been submitted to the Constitutional court resulting from matters stated in Article 109 (2) (c), concerning matters of interpretation of the Constitution not arising out of Court litigation;
    (d) To resolve any disputes between the Federal Government and the Federal Member State governments, or among the Federal Member State governments;
    (e) To hear and decide cases arising out of disputes between organs of the Federal Government, concerning their respective constitutional powers and duties;
    (f) To hear and decide cases arising in terms of Article 92 concerning the impeachment trials of the President.
    … (Art. 109C)
  • Somali
    (1) Maxkamadda Dastuurku waay yeelaneysaa awoodahan u garrka ah:
    (a) Marka uu codsi ka yimaaddo Xubin ka Mid ah Golaha Wasiirada, Guddi ka tirsan aqalada Baarlamaanka midkood, ama toban Xubnood oo ka mid ah Aqalada midkood,in ay Maxkamaddu qiimeyso qoraalka sharci la sameynayo, ayna go’aansato in sharcigaasi waafaqsan yahay Dastuurka;
    (b) In Maxkamaddu dhegeysato go’aanna ka gaadho kiis ka soo unkamay sida ku cad Qodobka 86aad,oo la xidhiidha muran ka dhashay sida xeer uu u waafaqsan yahay dastuurka;
    (c) In maxkamaddu dhegeysato, go’aanna ka gaadho kiis ka soo unkamay sida ku cad faqradda Qodobeedka 109(2)(c) kaasoo khuseeya in dhinac uu hor keenay maxkamad dood kiis macquul ah, kiiskaana loo gudbiyay Maxkamadda Dastuurka si ay go’aan uga gaadho.)
    (d) In ay go’aamiso khilaafyada u dhexeeya dawladda federaalka ah iyo dawlad goboleedyada xubinta ka ah dawladda federaalka ah iyo Dawlad goboleedyada federaalka dhexdooda.
    (e) In ay dhegeysato, go’aana ka gaadho Khilaafyada ka dhexeeya waaxaha Dawladda federaalka ah ee la xidhiidha awoodaha dastuuriga ah iyo waajibaadka ay kala leeyihiin; iyo
    (f) In ay dhegesato, go’aana ka gaadho Marka la eego Qodobka 92aad (oo la xidhiidha kiisaska denbiyada dastuur ee Madaxweynaha lagu soo oogo ee xil ka qaadista keeni kara
    … (Qodobka 109C.)
  • English

    (3) Every child has the right to care from their parents, including education and instruction.
    … (Art. 28)

  • Somali

    (3) Ubadku wuxuu waalidkiis xaq ugu leeyahay xannaano ay ka mid tahay waxbarasho iyo barbaarin.
    … (Qodobka 28aad.)

  • English
    (1) Education is a basic right for all Somali citizens.
    (2) Every citizen shall have the right to free education up to secondary school.
    (3) The State shall give priority to the development, expansion and extension of public education.

    (6) The State shall adopt a standardized curriculum across all schools of the country, and shall ensure its implementation.
    (7) The State shall promote higher education, technical institutes, and technology and research institutions.
    ... (Art. 30)
  • Somali
    (1) Waxbarashadu waa xuquuq aasaasiga ah ee ay leeyihiin dhammaan muwaaddiniinta Soomaaliyeed.
    (2) Dhammaan muwaadiniintu waxay xaq u leeyihiin inay helaan waxbarasho lacag la'aan ah ilaa iyo dugsi sare.
    (3) Dawladdu waxay mudnaan siinaysaa horumarinta, baahinta iyo fidinta waxbarashada dadweynaha.

    (6) Xukuumaddu waxay dugsiyada dalka oo dhan ka hirgelinaysaa manhaj midaysan, waxayna hubinaysaa dhaqangalkiisa.
    (7) Xukuumaddu waxay kobcinaysaa waxbarashada sare, machadyada farsamada, tiknoolojiyadda iyo xarumaha cilmi-baarista.
    ... (Qodobka 30aad.)
  • English
    (1) The Federal Government and Federal Member State governments shall ensure that meetings between the Presidents of the Federal Member States and high ranking officials be held regularly to discuss issues that affect their territories, including:

    (g) Education;
    ... (Art. 52)
  • Somali
    (1) Xukuumadda Federaalka ah iyo Xukuumadah xubnaha ka ah waxaa waajib ku ah in madaxweyneyaasha Dawladaha xubinta ka ah Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Mas'uuliyiintooda sare yeeshaan kulammo joogto ama kaltan ay kaga wada xaajoodaan arrimaha degaammadooda wada saameeya oo ay ka mid yihiin:
    (g) Tacliinta;
    ... (Qodobka 52aad.)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    Every citizen has the right to choose their trade, occupation or profession freely. (Art. 23)
  • Somali
    Muwaaddin kasta wuxuu xaq u leeyahay in uu si xor ah u doorto xirfadda, shaqada ama mihnadda uu rabo. (Qodobka 23aad.)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English

    (1) Every person has the right to fair labour relations.

    (5) All workers, particularly women, shall have a special right of protection from sexual abuse, segregation and discrimination in the work place. Every labour law and practice shall comply with gender equality in the work place. (Art. 24)

  • Somali

    (1) Qof kastaa wuxuu xaq u leeyahay inuu helo xiriir shaqo caadil ah.

    (5) Qof kasta oo shaqaale ah gaar ahaan dumarka waxa ay xaq gaar ah u leeyihiin in laga ilaaliyo faraxumeyn, faquuqid iyo takoorid goobaha shaqada. Sharci kasta shaqaale iyo hab dhaqan kasta waa inuu waafaqsanaadaa sinaanshaha jinsiga ee goobaha shaqada. (Qodobka 24aad.)

Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    (1) All citizens, regardless of sex, religion, social or economic status, political opinion, clan, disability, occupation, birth or dialect shall have equal rights and duties before the law.
    (2) Discrimination is deemed to occur if the effect of an action impairs or restricts a person's rights, even if the actor did not intend this effect.
    (3) Government must not discriminate against any person on the basis of age, race, colour, tribe, ethnicity, culture, dialect, gender, birth, disability, religion, political opinion, occupation, or wealth.
    (4) All government programs, such as laws, or political and administrative actions that are designed to achieve full equality for individuals or groups who are disadvantaged, or who have suffered from discrimination in the past, shall not be deemed to be discriminatory. (Art. 11)
  • Somali
    (1) Muwaaddiniinta oo dhan, iyagoo aan loo eegin lab iyo dheddig, diin, xaalad bulsho ama dhaqaale, afkaar siyaasadeed, qabiil, naafannimo, xirfad, dhalasho iyo afguri toona, xuquuqda iyo waajibaadkaba waa u siman yihiin sharciga hortiisa.
    (2) Waa fal takoorid ah haddiinatiijadiisu noqoto is-hortaag ama ciriiriggelin xaqa qofka, xataa haddii falka si ulakac ah aan loo samayn.
    (3) Dawladdu ma takoori karto Qofnaba iyadoo sababeysaneysa da’da, sinjiga,midabka, qabiil, isir, dhaqan ama lahjad, jinsi, dhalasho, Curyaannimo, diin, siyaasad ama fikir, xirfad, mulkiyad.
    (4) Waa in aan loo arkin fal takoorid ah barnaamijyada Dawladda sida Shuruuc, hab siyaasadeed iyo hab maamul ee loo qorsheeyey in sinnaan buuxda lagu gaarsiiyo dad ama kooxo horay loogu geystey takoorid ama ku sugan xaalad dib-u-dhacsan. (Qodobka 11aad.)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English

    (5) It shall be ensured that women, the aged, the disabled and minorities who have long suffered discrimination get the necessary support to realize their socio-economic rights. (Art. 27)
  • Somali

    (5) Waa in lahubiyaa in dumarka, dadka da’da, naafada iyo dadka laga tiro badan yahay oo taariikhiyan latakoori jiray inay helaan kaalmo gaar ah si ay ugaaraan xuquuqdooda dhaqan – dhaqaale. (Qodobka 27aad.)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    (4) The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia promotes human rights, the rule of law, general standards of international law, justice, participatory consultative and inclusive government, the separation of powers between the legislature, executive and an independent judiciary, in order to ensure accountability, efficiency and responsiveness to the interests of the people.
    … (Art. 3)
  • Somali
    (4) Dastuurka Soomaaliya wuxuu dhiirri-gelinayaa xuquuqda Aadanaha, talinta sharciga, shuruudaha guud ee xeerarka caalamiga ah, caddaaladda, xukuumad loo dhan yahay oo ku dhisan wadatashi, kala-soocidda awoodaha sharci-dejinta, fulinta iyo garsoor madaxbanaan, iyagoo leh hannaan ku dhisan isla-xisaabtan iyo hufnaan ka jawaabaya danaha dadweynaha.
    … (Qodobka 3aad.)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    (1) Human dignity is given by God to every human being, and this is the basis for all human rights.
    (2) Human dignity is inviolable and must be protected by all.
    (3) State power must not be exercised in a manner that violates human dignity. (Art. 10)
  • Somali
    (1) Karaamada aadanuhu waa deeq Ilaahey Subxaanahu wa tacaalaa ku mannaystay qof kasta oo Banii’aadan ah, xuquuqda aadanahuna deeqdaas ayey ka dhalataa.
    (2) Karaamada Aadanaha waa laguma-xadgudbaan, dhawristeeduna waa waajib saaran dadka oo dhan.
    (3) Awoodda Dawladda waa in aan marnaba loo isticmaalin meel-uga-dhicid karaamada Aadanaha. (Qodobka 10aad.)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    (1) The fundamental rights and freedoms recognized in this Chapter4 shall always be respected in the making and application of the law. Likewise, they must be respected by all individuals and private organisations, as well as by every state institution and state official as they carry out their official functions.
    (2) It is the responsibility of the state not only to ensure it does not violate rights through its actions, but also to take reasonable steps to protect the rights of the people from abuse by others.
    (3) The rights recognized in this Chapter may be limited only by a law as provided for in Article 38. (Art. 12)
  • Somali
    (1) Xuquuqda asaasiga ah iyo xorriyadda lagu aqoonsaday qaybtan waa in la dhowraa marka kasta oo sharci la dejinayo lana fulinayo. Sidoo kale, qof kasta, hay’adaha Dawladda ee heer kasta iyo hay’adaha gaarka ah iyo saraakiisha Dawladdu marka ay gudanayaan xilkooda waa in ay ilaaliyaan xuquuqda aasaasiga ah.
    (2) Waajibaadka Dawladdu kuma koobna in ay dhawrto xuquuqda dadka, balse waa in ay qaaddo tallaabooyin maangal ah oo lagu ilaalinayo in xadgudub uga yimaado cid kale.
    (3) Xuquuqda lagu aqoonsaday cutubkan sharci uun baa lagu xaddidi karaa sida ku xusan Qodobka 38. (Qodobka 12aad.)
Obligations of the State
  • English

    (5) It shall be ensured that women, the aged, the disabled and minorities who have long suffered discrimination get the necessary support to realize their socio-economic rights. (Art. 27)
  • Somali

    (5) Waa in lahubiyaa in dumarka, dadka da’da, naafada iyo dadka laga tiro badan yahay oo taariikhiyan latakoori jiray inay helaan kaalmo gaar ah si ay ugaaraan xuquuqdooda dhaqan – dhaqaale. (Qodobka 27aad.)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    (1) The law shall provide for adequate procedures for redress of violations of human rights.
    … (Art. 39)
  • Somali
    (1) Sharcigu waa in uu qeexaa habraac habboon oo lagu saxayo xadgudubyada xaquuqda Aadanaha.
    … (Qodobka 39aad.)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    (4) The recognition of the fundamental rights set out in this Chapter does not deny the existence of any other rights that are recognized or conferred by Shari’ah, or by customary law or legislation to the extent that they are consistent with the Shari’ah and the Constitution. (Art. 40)
  • Somali

    (4) Xuquuqda asaasiga ah ee ku xusan Cutubkan kama hor-imaaan karaan xuquuqda kale ee Shareecada Islaamku jideysey iyo xeer-dhaqameedka la jaanqaadi kara Shareecada iyo Dastuurka. (Qodobka 40aad.)
Obligations of Private Parties
  • English
    (1) The fundamental rights and freedoms recognized in this Chapter5 shall always be respected in the making and application of the law. Likewise, they must be respected by all individuals and private organisations, as well as by every state institution and state official as they carry out their official functions.
    … (Art. 12)
  • Somali
    (1) Xuquuqda asaasiga ah iyo xorriyadda lagu aqoonsaday qaybtan waa in la dhowraa marka kasta oo sharci la dejinayo lana fulinayo. Sidoo kale, qof kasta, hay’adaha Dawladda ee heer kasta iyo hay’adaha gaarka ah iyo saraakiisha Dawladdu marka ay gudanayaan xilkooda waa in ay ilaaliyaan xuquuqda aasaasiga ah.
    … (Qodobka 12aad.)
Judicial Protection
  • English

    (1) The law shall provide for adequate procedures for redress of violations of human rights.
    (2) Redress of violations of human rights must be available in courts that the people can readily access.
    (3) A person or organization may go to court to protect the rights of others who are unable to do so for themselves. (Art. 39)

  • Somali

    (1) Sharcigu waa in uu qeexaa habraac habboon oo lagu saxayo xadgudubyada xaquuqda Aadanaha.
    (2) Sixidda xadgudubyadaas waa in lagu helaa maxkamad ay dadku si fudud dacwad uga furan karaan.
    (3) Qof ama urur kastaa wuu tegi karaa maxkamad, si uu u difaaco xuquuqda dadka kale ee aan awoodin in ay iskood isu difaacaan. (Qodobka 39aad.)

Judicial Protection
  • English
    (1) When interpreting the rights set out in this Chapter6, a court shall take an approach that seeks to achieve the purposes of the rights and the values that underlie them.
    (2) In interpreting these rights, the court may consider the Shari'ah, international law, and decisions of courts in other countries, though it is not bound to follow these decisions.
    (3) When interpreting and applying the law generally, a court or any tribunal shall consider the relevance of the provisions of this Chapter, and make its decisions compatible with these provisions, as far as is possible.
    (4) The recognition of the fundamental rights set out in this Chapter does not deny the existence of any other rights that are recognized or conferred by Shari'ah, or by customary law or legislation to the extent that they are consistent with the Shari'ah and the Constitution. (Art. 40)
  • Somali
    (1) Marka la fasiraayo xuquuqda ku xusan qaybtan waa in maxkamaddu ay raadiso qeexidda ujeeddooyinka laga leeyahay xuquuqdaas iyo qiyamka ay xambaarsan yihiin.
    (2) Fasiraadda xuquuqdan waxay maxkamaddu tixgelineysaa Shareecada, qaanuunka caalamiga ah iyo go’aannada maxkamadaha dalal kale, inkasta oo ayan qasab ku ahayn inay raacdo go’aannadooda.
    (3) Marka guud ahaan sharci la fasiraayo ama la dhaqan-gelinaayo, maxkamad kasta ama xeer-beegti waa in ay tixgelisaa muhiimmada qodobbada Cutubkan, intii suurtagal ahna go’aannadooda ka dhigaan kuwo la socon kara qodobbadaasi.
    (4) Xuquuqda asaasiga ah ee ku xusan Cutubkan kama hor-imaaan karaan xuquuqda kale ee Shareecada Islaamku jideysey iyo xeer-dhaqameedka la jaanqaadi kara Shareecada iyo Dastuurka. (Qodobka 40aad.)
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English
    (1) The Federal Parliament shall establish a Human Rights Commission that is independent of State control, and has adequate resources to carry out its functions effectively.
    (2) The functions of the Human Rights Commission shall include the promotion of knowledge of human rights, and specifically Shari’ah, setting implementation standards and parameters for the fulfillment of human rights obligations, monitoring human rights within the country, and investigating allegations of human rights violations. (Art. 41)
  • Somali
    (1) Baarlamaanka Federaalka ihi waa inuu dhisaa Guddi Xuquuqda Aadanaha u qaybsan oo ka madax bannaan maamulka Dawladda, lehna ilo dhaqaale oo uu si habsami leh ugu fuliyo hawlihiisa.
    (2) Hawlaha Guddiga Xuquuqda Aadanaha waa in ay ku jiraan horumarinta aqoonta xuquuqda Aadanaha iyo, gaar ahaan, Shareecada, asaga oo u dejinaaya halbeegyada dhaqangelinta lagu hirgelinaayo waajibaadka xuquuqda Aadanaha; dabagelidda xuquuqda Aadanaha ee dalka gudihiisa iyo baarista eedaha la xiriira xuquuqda aadanaha. (Qodobka 41aad.)
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English
    (1) There shall be a Human Rights Commissions that shall be mandated to:
    (a) Promote respect of human rights, and the culture of human rights;
    (b) Promote the protection, development, and attainment of human rights; and
    (c) Monitor and assess the observance of the conduct of human rights in the Federal Republic of Somalia.
    (2) In accordance with the Constitution, the Human Rights Commission shall have powers to perform the following functions:
    (a) To investigate and report on the observance of human rights;
    (b) To take steps to secure appropriate redress where human rights have been violated;
    (c) To carry out research; and
    (d) To educate the public and state officials on international standards relating to human rights.
    (3) The powers and the activities of the Human Rights Commission shall be stipulated in the Human Rights Commission Act.
    … (Art. 111B)
  • Somali
    (1) Waa inuu jiraa Guddiga Xuquuqda Aadamiga oo loo xilsaaro:
    (a) Horumarinta xushmeynta xuquuqdda aadmigga iyo dhaqanka xuquuqda aadamigga;
    (b) Horumarinta ilaalinta, xoojinta iyo adkeynta xuquuqda aadmiga; iyo
    (c) Baaritaanka iyo qiimeynta hab dhaqanka xuquuqda aadamiga ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya.
    (2) Guddiga Xuquuqdda Aadmiga: Iyadoo la tixraacayo Dastuurka, Guddiga Xuquuqda Aadmiga, wuxuu yeelahanayaa awood uu ku fuliyo hawlahan:
    (a) Inay baaritaan ku sameeyaan, warbixina ka soo saaraan sida loogu dhaqmayo xuquuqdda aadmiga;
    (b) Inay si ku habboon xal ugu raadiyaan meelaha lagu xad gudbay xuquuqda aadmiga;
     (c) Inay cilmi baaris ku sameeyaan; iyo
    (d) Inay cilmi wacyi gelin u sameeyaan dadweynaha iyo saraakiisha xukuumadda heerarka caalamiga ah ee ku saabsan xuquuqdda aadmiga.
    (3) Awoodaha iyo hawaha ah ee Guddiga waa inuu ku dhignaadaa Sharciyadda Xuquuqda Aadmiga.
    … (Qodobka 111Baad.)
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English

    (1) There shall be established the Office of the Ombudsman.

    (5) The Ombudsman shall:
    (a) Investigate complaints regarding allegations or outright violations against basic rights and freedoms, abuse of power, unfair behavior, mercilessness, lack of clemency, indiscipline or disrespect towards a person that lives in Somalia by an officer who works at the various levels of government, an apparently unfair behavior, or act in a corrupt manner, or a behavior by an officer deemed as illegal by a democratic society or regarded as mischief or injustice.
    … (Art. 111J)

  • Somali

    (1) Waxaa la dhisayaa xafiiska Gardoonka Dadweynaha.

    (5) Adeegaha Gardoorka Dadweynaha waa in uu:
    (a) Baaraa cabashooyinka ku saabsan eedeyn ama xadgudub muuqda oo loo geysto xuquuqda iyo xorriyaadka aasaasiga ah, ku-xadgudub awoodeed, hab-dhaqan caddaalad-darro, naxariis-darro, u-turid la’aan ama edeb-darro/ixtiraam la’aan ah oo qof deggan Soomaaliya uu kula kaco sarkaal Dawladda uga shaqeeya heerarkeeda kala duwan, hab-dhaqan uu ka muuqdo caddaalad darro, ama musuq-maasuq ama hab-dhaqanka sarkaalkaasi sameeyo oo bulsho dimuqraaddi ah ay si habboon ugu aragto in uu yahay mid sharci-darro, dulmi ama xaq-darro ah;
    ... (Qodobka 111J.)

Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English

    (3) The rights recognized in this Chapter7 may be limited only by a law as provided for in Article 38. (Art. 12)
  • Somali

    (3) Xuquuqda lagu aqoonsaday cutubkan sharci uun baa lagu xaddidi karaa sida ku xusan Qodobka 38. (Qodobka 12aad.)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    (1) The rights set out in this Chapter may be limited by law, provided that the law is not targeted at particular individuals or groups.
    (2) This right may be limited by law, or by specific exceptions in this Chapter, only if that limitation is demonstrably reasonable and justified according to the values underlying this constitution.
    (3) In deciding whether a limitation is reasonable and justifiable, all relevant factors must be taken into account.
    (4) The relevant factors in terms of Clause 3 include the nature and importance of the right limited, the importance of the purpose to be achieved by the limitation, whether the limitation is suitable for achieving the purpose, and whether the same purpose could be achieved while being less restrictive of the rights limited.
    (5) Possible restriction of fundamental rights during a state of emergency is dealt with in Chapter 14, Article 131 of this Constitution. (Art. 38)
  • Somali
    (1) Xuquuqda lagu sheegay Cutubkan waxaa xaddidi kara sharciga, haddii sharcigaasi uusan si gaar ah u bar-tilmaameedsanayn shakhsiyaad ama kooxo.
    (2) Xuquuqdan waxaa xaddidaya sharciga, ama waxaaba si gaar ah loogu asteeyay cutubkan, waase haddii xaddidaaddaasi ay tahay mid si cad u maangal ah ama kuwo la aqbali karo oo waafaqsan qiyamka lagu qeexay Dastuurka.
    (3) Marka go’aan laga gaarayo in xaddididda xuquuqdu ay noqoto mid la aqbali karo oo maangal ah, waa in dhammaan arrimaha xaddeyntan khuseeya xisaabta lagu darsadaa.
    (4) Arrimaha la xiriira waxaa ka mid ah dabeecadda iyo ahmiyadda xuquuqda la xaddidey iyo muhimmadda ujeeddo la rabo in lagu gaaro xaddidaadda; haddii xaddididdaasi u habboon tahay in lagu gaaro ujeeddada ama haddii isla ujeeddadaas lagu gaari karaayey iyadoo aan la xaddidin xuquuqdaas.
    (5) Xaddididda suurtogalka ah ee xuquuqda asaasiga ah ee muwaaddinka xilliga xaaladda degdegga waxaa lagu sheegay Cutubka 14aad, Qodobka 131aad. (Qodobka 38aad.)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    (4) The recognition of the fundamental rights set out in this Chapter does not deny the existence of any other rights that are recognized or conferred by Shari’ah, or by customary law or legislation to the extent that they are consistent with the Shari’ah and the Constitution. (Art. 40)
  • Somali

    (4) Xuquuqda asaasiga ah ee ku xusan Cutubkan kama hor-imaaan karaan xuquuqda kale ee Shareecada Islaamku jideysey iyo xeer-dhaqameedka la jaanqaadi kara Shareecada iyo Dastuurka. (Qodobka 40aad.)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English

    (5) The declaration of a State of Emergency may give the executive special powers that are necessary to deal with the situation only.
    (6) The powers granted under a State of Emergency shall not include powers to violate the rights under this Constitution, unless that violation is absolutely necessary for the purposes of dealing with the emergency situation.
    … (Art. 131)

  • Somali

    (5) Ku-dhawaaqista xaaladda degdegga ah waxaa ay laanta fulinta siin kartaa awoodo gaar ah oo loogu baahan yahay wax ka qabashada xaaladda oo keliya.
    (6) Awoodaha lagu bixiyo xaaladda degdegga ah gudaheeda kuma jirayaan awoodo loogu xadgudbayo xuquuqaha ku jira dastuurkan, haddii xadgudubkaasi aanu gebi ahaanba lagamamaarmaan u ahayn ujeeddooyinka wax ka qabashada xaaladda degdegga ah.
    … (Qodobka 131aad.)

Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    (1) Marriage is the basis of the family, which is the foundation of society. Its protection is a legal duty of the state.
    (2) Mother and child care is a legal duty of the state.
    (3) Every child has the right to care from their parents, including education and instruction. In instances where this care is not available from the family, it must be provided by others. This right applies to street children and children of unknown parents, the rights of whom the state has a particular duty to fulfill and protect.
    (4) Adults have a duty to support their parents if the parents are unable to care for themselves.
    (5) No marriage shall be legal without the free consent of both the man and the woman, or if one or both of them have not reached the age of maturity. (Art. 28)
  • Somali
    (1) Guurku waa aasaaska qoyska oo ah saldhigga bulshada, ilaalintiisuna waa waajib sharci ah oo saaran Dawladda.
    (2) Daryeelka Hooyada iyo Dhallaanka waa waajib saaran Dawladda.
    (3) Ubadku wuxuu waalidkiis xaq ugu leeyahay xannaano ay ka mid tahay waxbarasho iyo barbaarin. Haddiise xannaanadaas uu ka waayo deegaanka qoyskiisa waa in loo yeelo cid kale oo daryeesha. Isla xuquuqdan oo kale ayay leeyihiin carruurta dariiq-joogga ah iyo kuwa aan waalidkood la aqoonnin, Dawladda ayaana si gaar ah ugu xilsaaran inay xuquuqdooda ilaaliso, si buuxdana ay u helaan.
    (4) Waalidka aan iskii isugu filnayn wuxuu ubadkiisa qaangaarka ah xaq ugu leeyihiin daryeel sharci ah.
    (5) Guur ansaxayaa ma jiro haddaanay si xor ah iyo oggolaansho ninka iyo naagta ka timid jirin. Labaduba waa inay gaareen da’da guurka. (Qodobka 28aad.)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    (1) In Islam, justice requires a balance of rights and duties.
    (2) The exercise of equality, freedoms, and other rights is inseparable from duties. Accordingly, it is the duty of each citizen:

    (c) To promote responsible parenthood;
    … (Art. 42)
  • Somali
    (1) Sida Diinta Islaamku qabto, caddaaladda waxay ku jirtaa isu-dheellitirnaanta xuquuqda iyo waajibaadka.
    (2) Ku-dhaqanka sinnaanta, xorriyaadka iyo xuquuqda lagama sooci karo waajibaadka. Sidaas darteed, muwaaddin kasta waxaa waajib ku ah in uu:
    (c) horumariyo mas’uuliyadda waalidnimo;
    ... (Qodobka 42aad.)
  • English

    (5) It shall be ensured that women, the aged, the disabled and minorities who have long suffered discrimination get the necessary support to realize their socio-economic rights. (Art. 27)
  • Somali

    (5) Waa in lahubiyaa in dumarka, dadka da’da, naafada iyo dadka laga tiro badan yahay oo taariikhiyan latakoori jiray inay helaan kaalmo gaar ah si ay ugaaraan xuquuqdooda dhaqan – dhaqaale. (Qodobka 27aad.)
  • English

    (3) The state shall promote the cultural practices and local dialects of minorities.
    (4) The rights mentioned in this Article shall be implemented in accordance with the fundamental rights recognized in this Constitution. (Art. 31)

  • Somali

    (3) Dawladdu waa in ay horumarisaa dhaqammada iyo afguriga dadka laga tira badan yahay.
    (4) Xuquuqda qodobkan ku xusan waa in loogu dhaqmaa si waafaqsan xuquuqda asaasiga ah ee Dastuurkan lagu aqoonsaday. (Qodobka 31aad.)

Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English

    (5) Women must be included in all national institutions, in an effective way, in particular all elected and appointed positions across the three branches of government and in national independent commissions. (Art. 3)
  • Somali

    (5) Haweenku waa in ay ka mid noqdaan dhammaan hay’adaha guud ee qaranka, si wax-ku-ool ah, gaar ahaan jagooyinka la isu doorto iyo kuwa la isu magacaabo ee saddexda laamood ee Dawladda iyo Guddiyada Madaxbannaan ee Qaranka. (Qodobka 3aad.)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English

    (1) Every citizen has the right to take part in public affairs.
    … (Art. 22)

  • Somali

    (1) Muwaaddin kastaa wuxuu xaq u leeyahay in uu ka qayb-qaato arrimaha guud ee dadweynaha.
    … (Qodobka 22aad.)

Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    (1) At the beginning of the term of the House of the People, both Houses of the Federal Parliament shall establish a Parliamentary Service Commission serving for the term of the House of the People.
    (2) The Parliamentary Service Commission shall consist of:
    (a) The Speaker of the House of the People as chairperson;
    (b) The Speaker of the Upper House as vice-chairperson;
    (c) Four (4) members elected by the House of the People from among its members, of whom at least two (2) shall be women;
    (d) Two (2) members elected by the Upper House from among its members, of whom at least one shall be a woman; and
    (e) One member appointed by the House of the People from among persons who are experienced in public affairs, but are not members of the Federal Parliament.
    … (Art. 111D)
  • Somali
    (1) Mudadda bilowga ah ee Golaha shacabka, waa in labada aqal ee Federaalku sameeyaan Guddiga Adeega Baarlamaanka taasoo shaqeyneysa mudadda Aqalka Dadweynuhu jiro.
    (2) Guddiga Adeega Baarlamaanku waa inuu ka koobnaadaa:
    (a) Guddoomiyaha Golaha shacabka oo ah guddoominaya fadhiyada;
    (b) Guddoomiyaha Aqalka Sare oo noqonaya guddoomiye ku-xigeen;
    (c) Afar xubnood oo lagu soo magacaabay Golaha shacabka kuwaasoo ay ugu yaraan ka mid yihiin laba haween ah;
    (d) Laba xubinood laga soo magacaabay Golaha shacabka kaasoo ay midkood tahay haweenay;
    (e) Hal xubin oo ay soo magacaabay Golaha Shacabka oo ah shakhsi khabiir ku ah arrimaha dadweynaha hase yeeshee aan ka mid ahayn xubnaha Baarlamanka;Federaalka.
    … (Qodobka 111D.)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English

    (2) Every Somali citizen is entitled to be considered for positions in the national armed forces at all levels, without discrimination and the rights of women shall be protected in this respect. (Art. 127)
  • Somali

    (2) Muwaadin kasta oo Soomaali waxa uu xaq u leeyahay in uu ka qayb-qaato jagooyinka iyo jaranjarooyinka darajo ee Ciidammada iyada oo aan la takooreyn, iyadoo la ilaalinaaya xuquuqda haweenka ee arrintan la xiriirta. (Qodobka 127aad.)
Political Rights and Association
  • English

    (5) Women must be included in all national institutions, in an effective way, in particular all elected and appointed positions across the three branches of government and in national independent commissions. (Art. 3)
  • Somali

    (5) Haweenku waa in ay ka mid noqdaan dhammaan hay’adaha guud ee qaranka, si wax-ku-ool ah, gaar ahaan jagooyinka la isu doorto iyo kuwa la isu magacaabo ee saddexda laamood ee Dawladda iyo Guddiyada Madaxbannaan ee Qaranka. (Qodobka 3aad.)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    Every person has the right to associate with other individuals and groups. This includes the right to form and belong to organizations, including trade unions and political parties. It also includes the right not to associate with others, and a person cannot be forced to associate with any other individual or group. (Art. 16)
  • Somali
    Qof kastaa wuxuu xaq u leeyahay in uu ku biiro qof kale ama koox. Xaqaas waxaa ka mid ah inuu abaabulo ama ka mid noqdo ururro ay ka mid yihiin ururro shaqaale ama xisbiyo siyaasadeed. Wuxuu kaloo xor u yahay in uusan cidna ku biirin, lagumana qasbi karo inuu cid kale ku biiro. (Qodobka 16aad.)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    (1) Every citizen has the right to take part in public affairs. This right includes:
    (a) The right to form political parties and to participate in the activities of political parties; and
    (b) The right to be elected for any position within a political party.
    (2) Every citizen who fulfills the criteria stated in the law has the right to elect and to be elected.
    (3) The rights stated in Paragraph (1) and (2) shall be exercised in accordance with this Constitution and a law enacted by the Federal Parliament. (Art. 22)
  • Somali
    (1) Muwaaddin kastaa wuxuu xaq u leeyahay in uu ka qayb-qaato arrimaha guud ee dadweynaha. Xaqa kan waxaa ka mid ah:
    (a) Inuu samaysan karo ama ka mid noqon karo xisbi siyaasadeed, kana qaybqaadan karo hawlihiisa;
    (b) In xisbi siyaasadeed gudihiisa looga dooran karo jago kasta.
    (2) Muwaaddin kasta oo buuxiya shuruudaha sharciga tilmaamayo wuxuu xaq u leeyahay inuu wax doorto, lana doorto.
    (3) Xuquuqda ku xusan faqradaha (1) iyo (2) ee qodobkan waa in loogu dhaqmaa si waafaqsan Dastuurkan iyo sharci Baarlamaanku ansixiyo. (Qodobka 22aad.)
Political Parties
  • English
    The regulations concerning political parties, their registration, elections at the Federal Government level and the National Independent Electoral Commission shall be defined in special laws enacted by the House of the People of the Federal Parliament of Somalia (Art. 47)
  • Somali
    Shuruucda ku saabsan Xisbiyada, Diiwaangelintooda, Doorashooyinka heerka dowladda federaalka ah iyo Guddiga Qaranka ee Madaxbanaan ee Doorashooyinka, waxaa lagu qeexi doonaa shuruuc gaar ah oo uu soo saaro Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya. (Qodobka 47aad.)
Electoral Bodies
  • English
    (1) There shall be established a National Independent Electoral Commission, established under the Constitution. The National Independent Electoral Commission shall be independent of the executive and shall manage its own budget. The National Independent Electoral Commission shall be inclusive and representative and be impartial and neutral and shall not have more than nine members.
    (2) The mandate of the National Independent Electoral Commission includes:
    (a) The conduct of presidential elections;
    (b) The conduct of Federal Parliament elections;
    (c) The continuous registration of voters and revision of the voter’s roll;
    (d) The registration of candidates for elections;
    (e) The delimitation of constituencies and wards;
    (f) The regulation of the political party system;
    (g) The settlement of electoral disputes;
    (h) The facilitation of the observation, monitoring and evaluation of elections;
    (i) The regulation of money spent by an elected candidate or party in respect of any election;
    (j) The development of an electoral code of conduct for its candidates and parties;
    (k) The monitoring of compliance with legislation on nomination of candidates by parties; and
    (l) Voter education.
    (3) The Federal Parliament shall establish the National Independent Electoral Commission and the relevant legislation required to support it as a matter of priority. (Art. 111G)
  • Somali
    (1) Waa in la dhisaa Guddiga Qaranka ee Madaxbanaan ee Doorashooyinka; taasoo loo tixraacayo Dastuurka. Guddiga waa inay guddigu ka madax banaanaadaan waaxda fulinta waana inay maamushaan maaliyadooda u gaarka ah. Guddiga waa in ahaataa mid loo dhan yahay, waana inay noqotaa dhexdhexaad waana inayna ka badnaan tiro sagaal xubnood ah.
    (2) Masuuliyadaha Guddiga Qaranka ee Madax-bannaan ee Doorashooyinka waxa ka mid ah:
    (a) Inay maamulaan doorashooyinka Madaxweynaha
    (b) Inay maamulaan dooorashooyinka Federaalka
    (c) Inay si joogta ah u diiwaan geliyaancod-bixiyayaasha dib-u-eegisna ku sameeyaan xaashiyaha cod-bixiyayaasha
    (d) Inay diiwaan geliyaan murashaxiinta doorashooyinka
    (e) in ay xadidaan degaanada cod-bixineed
    (f) Sharciyeynta habka xisbiyadda siyaasadda
    (g) Xalinta khilaafyadda doorashooyinka
    (h) Fududeynta kor-joogista, ilaalinta iyo qiimeynta doorashooyinka
    (i) Sharciyeynta lacagaha ay isticmaalaan murashaxiinta ama xisbi marka ay doorasho jirto
    (j) Sameynta hab dhaqanka murashaxiinta iyo xisbiyadda doorashooyinka
    (k) Ilaalinta in lagu dhaqmo sharciyadda magacaabista murashaxiinta ee xisbiyadda siyaasadeed
    (l) Waci gelinta cod-bixiyayaasha
    (3) Baarlamaanka Federaaalka waa inuu sameeyaa Guddiga Qaranka ee Madaxbanaan ee Doorashooyinka iyo sharciyadda loo baahan yahay inay taageeraan iyagoo siinaya ahmiyadda koowaad. (Qodobka 111 G.)
Head of State
  • English
    (1) The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia is:
    (a) The Head of the State of the Federal Republic of Somalia;

    (c) The guardian and promoter of the founding principles of the Constitution.
    (2) The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia shall carry out his duties in accordance with the Constitution and the other laws of the Federal Republic of Somalia. (Art. 87)
  • Somali
    (1) Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya waa:
    (a) Madaxa Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya;

    (c) Ilaaliyaha iyo horumariyaha mabaadi'da asaasiga ah ee Dastuurka.
    (2) Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka wuxuu xilkiisa u gudanayaa si waafaqsan Dastuurkan iyo sharciyada kale ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya. (Qodobka 87aad.)
Head of State
  • English
    Any citizen is eligible for the position of President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, as long as he or she meets the eligibility requirements of:
    (a) Being a Somali citizen and a Muslim;
    (b) Being not less than forty years of age;
    (c) Having relevant knowledge or experience for the role;
    (d) Having a sound mind; and
    (e) Not having been convicted by a court of a major crime. (Art. 88)
  • Somali
    Waxaa loo dooran karaa xilka Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Muwaaddin kasta oo:
    (a) Muwaadin Soomaali, Muslim ah;
    (b) Da’adiisu aanay ka yarayn afartan (40) sano;
    (c) Leh aqoon ama waayo’aragnimo u qalanta xilkaas;
    (d) Dhimirkiisu dhan yahay;
    (e) Gelin denbi culus oo ay maxkamadi xukuntay. (Qodobka 88aad.)
Head of State
  • English
    (1) The Houses of the Federal Parliament shall elect the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia in a joint session, presided over by the Speaker of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament.
    … (Art. 89)
  • Somali
    (1) Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka waa in ay doortaan labada Gole ee Baarlamaanka oo wada fadhiya, waxaana guddoominaya fadhigaa Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka ah.
    ... (Qodobka 89aad.)
  • English
    The powers and responsibilities of the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia are to:

    (d) Appoint the Prime Minister, and to dissolve the Federal Government if it does not get the required vote of confidence from the House of the People of the Federal Parliament by a simple majority (50% +1);
    … (Art. 90)
  • Somali
    Awoodaha iyo xilka Madaxweynaha waxaa ka mid ah:

    (d) Wuxuu magacaabayaa xilka Wasiirka Koowaad wuxuuna xilka ka qaadayaa ama kala dirayaa Xukuumadda Federaalka haddii ay waydo codka kalsoonida Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka, oo ah cod hal-dheeri ah (50%+1).
    … (Qodobka 90aad.)
  • English
    (1) The executive power of the Federal Government shall be vested in the Council of Ministers, in accordance with the Constitution.
    (2) The Council of Ministers is the highest executive authority of the Federal Government and consists of the Prime Minister, the deputy prime minister (s), ministers, state ministers and deputy-ministers.
    (3) The Prime Minister shall appoint deputy prime ministers, ministers, state ministers, and deputy ministers. Those eligible for membership of the Council of Ministers may be, but shall not be limited to, members of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament.
    … (Art. 97)
  • Somali
    (1) Awoodda fulinta ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ah waxaa leh Golaha Wasiirrada, waxayna u qabanayaan sida Dastuurka ku tilmaaman.
    (2) Golaha Wasiirradu waa hay’adda fulinta maamulka ugu sarraya Dowladda Federaalka, wuxuuna ka kooban yahay Ra’iisul Wasaare, Ra’iisul-Wasaare ku-xigeen/ku-xigeenno, Wasiirro, Wasiirro-Dawlayaal iyo Wasiirro-ku-Xigeenno.
    (3) Ra’iisul-wasaarahu wuxuu magacaabayaa Ra’iisul Wasaare ku-xigeenno, wasiirro, wasiirroDawlayaal iyo wasiirro-ku-xigeeno. Golaha Wasiirrada waa ay ka iman karaan xubin ka mid ah Golaha Shacabka iyo xubin aan ka mid aheyn Golaha Shacabkaba.
    … (Qodobka 97aad.)
  • English
    (1) The person holding the office of the Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister must:
    (a) Not be below the age of forty (40) years; and
    (b) Have a university-level education.
    (2) The person being appointed as Minister, State Minister or Deputy-Minister must:
    (a) Not be below the age of thirty (30) years; and
    (b) Have university-level education.
    … (Art. 98)
  • Somali
    (1) Qofka qabanaaya xilka Xafiiska Ra’iisul-wasaaraha iyo Ku-xigeenkiisa:
    (a) Waa in aan da’diisu ka yaraan afartan (40) sano;
    (b) Waa in Aqoontiisu gaarsiisan tahay heer jaamacadeed.
    (2) Qofka loo magacaabayo Wasiir ama Wasiir Dawlo ama Wasiir-ku-xigeen:
    (a) Waa inaan da’diisu ka yaraan soddon (30) sano;
    (b) Waa in aqoontiisu gaarsiisan tahay heer jaamacadeed.
    … (Qodobka 98aad.)
  • English
    (1) The Federal Parliament of the Federal Republic of Somalia consists of:
    (a) The House of the People; and
    (b) The Upper House.
    … (Art. 55)
  • Somali
    (1) Baarlamaanka Federaalka ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya wuxuu ka kooban yahay:
    (a) Golaha Shacabka, iyo
    (b) Golaha Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka
    … (Qodobka 55aad.)
  • English
    (1) In order to be eligible for membership of the Federal Parliament of the Federal Republic of Somalia, a person must:
    (a) Be a citizen of the Federal Republic of Somalia, of sound mind, not younger than 25, and a registered voter;
    (b) Not have had their citizenship suspended by a court order in the last five (5) years;
    (c) Have a minimum of secondary education or equivalent experience.
    … (Art. 58)
  • Somali
    (1) Qofka loo dooranayo xubinnimadda Baarlamaanka Federaalka waa in:
    (a) uu yahay Muwaaddin Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, dhimirkiisu dhan yahay, da'diisuna aanay ka yarayn shan iyo labaatan (25) sano, codbixiye ahaanna u diiwaangashan;
    (b) aan xuquuqdiisa muwaaddinnimo go’aan maxkmadeed lagu hakin shantii (5) sano ee ugu dambaysey;
    (c) uu leeyahay ugu yaraan aqoon dugsi sare ama waayo’aragnimo u dhiganta.
    … (Qodobka 58aad.)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    (1) Every person has the right to own, use, enjoy, sell, and transfer property.
    … (Art. 26)
  • Somali
    (1) Qof kastaa wuxuu xaq u leeyahay in uu hanti yeesho, ku dhaqmo, ku naalloodo, iskana gado ama iska wareejiyo markuu doono.
    … (Qodobka 26aad.)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    (1) Land is Somalia’s primary resource and the basis of the people’s livelihood.
    (2) Land shall be held, used and managed in an equitable, efficient, productive and sustainable manner.
    (3) The Federal Government shall develop a national land policy, which shall be subject to constant review. That policy shall ensure:
    (a) Equity in land allocation and the use of its resources;
    (b) The guarantee of land ownership and registration;
    (c) That land is utilised without causing harm to the land;
    (d) That any land and property dispute is resolved promptly and satisfactorily for all;
    (e) That the amount of land that a person or a company can own is specified;
    (f) That the land and property market is regulated in a manner that prevents violations of the rights of small land owners; and
    (g) That the Federal Member States may formulate land policies at their level.
    (4) No permit may be granted regarding the permanent use of any portion of the land, sea or air of the territory of the Federal Republic of Somalia. The Federal Parliament shall enact a law regulating the size, timeline and conditions of permits of land use.
    (5) The Federal Government, in consultation with the Federal Member States and other stakeholders, shall regulate land policy, and land control and use measures. (Art. 43)
  • Somali
    (1) Dhulku waa kheyraadka koowaad ee Soomaaliya iyo saldhigga nolosha dadka.
    (2) Dhulka waa in loo haystaa, loo adeegsadaa, loona maamulaa si caddaalad ah, waxtar leh, waxsoosaar waarana leh.
    (3) Dawladda Federaalku waa inay dejiso siyaasad dhuleed oo heer qaran ah oo si joogto ah dib-u-eegis loogu sameeyo. Siyaasaddaasi waa in ay xaqiijiso:
    (a) U sinnaanshaha fursadaha helitaanka dhulka iyo ka faa’iideysiga kheyraadkiisa ;
    (b) Damaanad-qaadista xuquuqda lahaanshaha dhulka iyo diiwaangelinta;
    (c) Xaqiijinta ka faa’iideysiga dhulka si waafaqsan Mabaadi’da ka dheefsashada dhulka iyadoon dhibaato loo geysan.
    (d) In si degdeg ah oo lagu wada qanci karo loo xalliyo khilaafaadka ka dhasha dhulka iyo hantida.
    (e) In la xaddido dhulka uu qof ama shirkadi yeelan karaan;
    (f) In la nidaamiyo dhaqdhaqaaqa suuqa ka-ganacsiga dhulka, si looga hortago ku-takrifalidda xuquuqda milkiilayaasha dhulka ee yaryar.
    (g) Dawladaha Xubinta ka ah Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya waxay dejinayaan siyaasad-dhuleed oo heerkooda ah.
    (4) Lama bixin karo ruqsad la xiriirta isticmaalka abadiga ah ee berriga, badda iyo hawada sare ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya. Sharci Baarlamaanka Federaalku soo saaro ayaa xaddidaya baaxadda, muddada iyo shuruudaha rukhsadaha istcimaalkooda.
    (5) Dawladda Federaalku iyadoo la tashaneysa Dawladaha xubinta ka ah Federaalka iyo ciddii kale oo ay quseyso, waxay dejineysaa siyaasadda dhulka iyo qaab lagu koontaroolo, laguna isticmaalo dhulka. (Qodobka 43aad.)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    A person may not be subjected to slavery, servitude, trafficking, or forced labour for any purpose. (Art. 14)
  • Somali
    Sinaba qof looma addoonsan karo, midiidin lagama dhigan karo, lagama ganacsan karo, qasabna looguma shaqaysan karo. (Qodobka 14aad.)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    (1) Every person has the right to personal liberty and security.
    (2) Every person has the right to personal security, and this includes: the prohibition of illegal detention, all forms of violence, including any form of violence against women, torture, or inhumane treatment.
    (3) Every person has the right to physical integrity, which cannot be violated. No one may be subjected to medical or scientific experiments without their consent or, if a person lacks the legal capacity to consent, the consent of a near relative and the support of expert medical opinion.
    (4) Female circumcision is a cruel and degrading customary practice, and is tantamount to torture. The circumcision of girls is prohibited.
    (5) Abortion is contrary to Shari’ah and is prohibited except in cases of necessity, especially to save the life of the mother. (Art. 15)
  • Somali
    (1) Qof kastaa wuxuu xaq u leeyahay xorriyaddiisa shakhsiga ah iyo nabagelyada qofnimadiisa.
    (2) Qof kasta wuxuu xaq u leeyahay amaan shaqsiyadeed waxaa ka mid ah: ka-reebanaan xarig aan sharciga waafaqsaneyn, waxaa kaloo xorriyadda qofnimo ka mid ah ka-reebanaan wax kasta oo cunfi ah, oo ay ka mid tahay wax kasta oo cunfi ah oo lagula kaco haweenka. Qofna looma geysan karo jirdil, fal bini’aadantinamada ka baxsan.
    (3) Qof kasta wuxuu xaq u leeyahay badqabka jirkiisa waana laguma xad gudbaan. Qofna laguma qasbi karo in lagu sameeyo tijaabo takhtareed ama mid cilmibaariseed, haddii qofka ama xigtadiisa dhowi aynan oggolaanin islamarkaasina aysan jirin talo uu bixiyey xeeldheere caafimaad marka uusan qofku sharciyan awood u lahayn inuu wax oggolaado.
    (4) Gudniinka gabdhaha waa caado naxariis-darro iyo xaqiraad u dhiganta jirdil. Gudniinka gabdhaha waa reeban yahay.
    (5) Soo rididda ilmuhu waa arrin ka soo horjeedda Shareecada Islaamka, waana reebban tahay, haddii aan ka ahayn xaalad caafimaad aan looga maarmin badbaadinta nolosha hooyada. (Qodobka 15aad.)
Protection from Violence
  • English

    (2) Every child has the right to be protected from mistreatment, neglect, abuse, or degradation.

    (6) Every child has the right to be protected from armed conflict, and not to be used in armed conflict.
    ... (Art. 29)
  • Somali

    (2) Ubad kastaa wuxuu xaq u leeyahay in laga ilaaliyo dhaqanxumo, dayacaad, xadgudub ama liiditaan.
    (6) Carruurtu waxay xaq u leeyihiin in laga ilaaliyo, loona adeegsan dagaallada hubaysan.
    ... (Qodobka 29aad.)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English

    (3) Every person has the right to full social security.
    (4) Every person has the right to protect, pursue, and achieve the fulfillment of the rights recognised in this Article8, in accordance with the law, and without interference from the state or any other party.
    (5) It shall be ensured that women, the aged, the disabled and minorities who have long suffered discrimination get the necessary support to realize their socio-economic rights. (Art. 27)
  • Somali

    (3) Qof kastaa wuxuu xaq u leeyahay daryeel bulshoo oo dhammaystiran.
    (4) Xuquuqada lagu aqoonsaday qodobkan waxaa ka mid ah xaqa qof kastaa uu u leeyahay inuu si sharciga waafaqsan u ilaashado, raadsado, si buuxdana xuquuqdaas u gaaro, iyadoo aanay Dawladdu ama cid kale ku soo faraggelin.
    (5) Waa in lahubiyaa in dumarka, dadka da’da, naafada iyo dadka laga tiro badan yahay oo taariikhiyan latakoori jiray inay helaan kaalmo gaar ah si ay ugaaraan xuquuqdooda dhaqan – dhaqaale. (Qodobka 27aad.)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    (1) Marriage is the basis of the family, which is the foundation of society. Its protection is a legal duty of the state.
    (2) Mother and child care is a legal duty of the state.
    ... (Art. 28)
  • Somali
    (1) Guurku waa aasaaska qoyska oo ah saldhigga bulshada, ilaalintiisuna waa waajib sharci ah oo saaran Dawladda.
    (2) Daryeelka Hooyada iyo Dhallaanka waa waajib saaran Dawladda.
    ... (Qodobka 28aad.)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The civil service at all levels of government is a pledge to serve the people and shall be based on the values of the constitution, compassion, transparency, community service, respect for administrative hierarchy, obedience, confidentiality, work ethics, efficiency, effectiveness, professionalism protect principles of fairness, equality and best practices. (Art. 115)
  • Somali
    Shaqada rayidka ee heerarka kala duwan ee xukuumadda waa amaano ummadda loogu adeego waana in ay ku saleeysnaataa qiyamka Dastuurka, naxariis, daahfurnaan, u-adeegga bulshada iyo dhawrista ku kala dambeynta darajooyinka maamul, dhegonugayl, sirxajin, asluub-wanaag shaqo, howlkarnimo, waxa-ku-ool ah, mihnadyahannimo, dhawrista Mabaadi’da caadaaladda, sinnaan iyo habka xilgudashada ugu habboon. (Qodobka 115aad.)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    (1) This Constitution establishes the Review and Implementation Commission as a Commission subject to the overall direction of the Oversight Committee in accordance with Article 133.
    (3) The relevant Minister shall select as a nominee a person, not a member of the Federal Parliament, who meets the following criteria for appointment to the Review and Implementation Commission:
    (a) Has a good moral character and reputation;
    (b) Possesses a degree from a recognized university;
    (c) Has demonstrated competence at high levels of public administration or law in Somalia;
    (d) Has knowledge and experience of at least ten years in matters relating to one or more of the following fields:
    1. Law;
    2. Public administration;
    3. Economics;
    4. Gender;
    5. Human rights.
    (e) Has had a distinguished career in the nominee's respective field; and
    (f) Has extensive legislative drafting experience.
    … (Art. 134)
  • Somali
    (1) Dastuurkani waxaa uu abuurayaa Guddiga ee dib-u-eegista iyo Hirgalinta iyaga oo ah guddi hoos tagaya guddida la socodka hab waafaqsan qodobka 133.

    (3) Wasiirka u xilsaaran waxaa uu dooran doonaa magacaabista qof aan xubin baarlamaan ahayn, kaasoo buuxiya shuruudaha soo socda oo lagu magacaabayo Guddiga Dib-u-eegista iyo Hirgalinta:
    (a) Leh anshax iyo sumcad wanaagsan;
    (b) Shahaado ka sita jaamacad la aqoonsan yahay ;
    (c) Ku muujiyey karti heerar sare dhinaca maamulka dadweynaha ama xagga sharciga ee Soomaliya dhexdeeda, ama
    (d) In uu u leeyahay aqoon iyo khibrad ugu yaraan toban sanno arrimo la xiriira mid ka mid ah kuwa soo socda:
    1. Sharciga,
    2. Maamulka dadweynaha,
    3. Dhaqaalaha,
    4. Jinsiga,
    5. Xuquuqda Aadanaha, iyo
    (e) In uu shaqo wanaagsan ka soo qabtay shaqadiisa ama majaalka uu ku takhasusay qofka la magacaabay.
    (f) In uu leeyahay waaya-aragnimo badan oo la xiiriita sharci qorista.
    … (Qodobka 134aad.)
Sexual and Reproductive Rights
  • English

    (5) Abortion is contrary to Shari'ah and is prohibited except in cases of necessity, especially to save the life of the mother. (Art. 15)
  • Somali

    (5) Soo rididda ilmuhu waa arrin ka soo horjeedda Shareecada Islaamka, waana reebban tahay, haddii aan ka ahayn xaalad caafimaad aan looga maarmin badbaadinta nolosha hooyada. (Qodobka 15aad)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    (1) After the Shari’ah, the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia is the supreme law of the country. It binds the government and guides policy initiatives and decisions in all sections of government.
    (2) Any law, or administrative action that is contrary to the Constitution may be invalidated by the Constitutional Court, which has the authority to do so in accordance with this Constitution. (Art. 4)
  • Somali
    (1) Shareecada ka sokow, Dastuurka Soomaaliya waa sharciga dalka ugu sarreeya, isaga ayayna xukuumaddu u hoggaansamaysaa, wuxuuna hagayaa hal-abuurka iyo go’aannada siyaasadeed ee qaybaha Dawladda oo dhan.
    (2) Sharci kasta ama tallaabo maamul oo ka soo horjeedda Dastuurka, maxkamadda Dastuuriga ah ayaa awood u leh burrinta sharcigaas ama tallaabadaas maamul, si waafaqsan Dastuurkan. (Qodobka 4aad.)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    (1) In Islam, justice requires a balance of rights and duties.
    (2) The exercise of equality, freedoms, and other rights is inseparable from duties. Accordingly, it is the duty of each citizen:

    (f) To become acquainted with the provisions of the Constitution and to uphold and defend the Constitution and the law of the country;
    … (Art. 42)
  • Somali
    (1) Sida Diinta Islaamku qabto, caddaaladda waxay ku jirtaa isu-dheellitirnaanta xuquuqda iyo waajibaadka.
    (2) Ku-dhaqanka sinnaanta, xorriyaadka iyo xuquuqda lagama sooci karo waajibaadka. Sidaas darteed, muwaaddin kasta waxaa waajib ku ah in uu:
    (f) noqdo qof aqoon u leh qodobbada Dastuurka, si daacad ahna uu u taageero, una difaaco Dastuurka iyo shuruucda dalka;
    ... (Qodobka 42aad.)
Status of International Law
  • English
    (4) The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia promotes human rights, the rule of law, general standards of international law, justice, participatory consultative and inclusive government, the separation of powers between the legislature, executive and an independent judiciary, in order to ensure accountability, efficiency and responsiveness to the interests of the people.
    … (Art. 3)
  • Somali
    (4) Dastuurka Soomaaliya wuxuu dhiirri-gelinayaa xuquuqda Aadanaha, talinta sharciga, shuruudaha guud ee xeerarka caalamiga ah, caddaaladda, xukuumad loo dhan yahay oo ku dhisan wadatashi, kala-soocidda awoodaha sharci-dejinta, fulinta iyo garsoor madaxbanaan, iyagoo leh hannaan ku dhisan isla-xisaabtan iyo hufnaan ka jawaabaya danaha dadweynaha.
    … (Qodobka 3aad.)
Status of International Law
  • English
    (1) When interpreting the rights set out in this Chapter9, a court shall take an approach that seeks to achieve the purposes of the rights and the values that underlie them.
    (2) In interpreting these rights, the court may consider the Shari'ah, international law, and decisions of courts in other countries, though it is not bound to follow these decisions.
    … (Art. 40)
  • Somali
    (1) Marka la fasiraayo xuquuqda ku xusan qaybtan waa in maxkamaddu ay raadiso qeexidda ujeeddooyinka laga leeyahay xuquuqdaas iyo qiyamka ay xambaarsan yihiin.
    (2) Fasiraadda xuquuqdan waxay maxkamaddu tixgelineysaa Shareecada, qaanuunka caalamiga ah iyo go’aannada maxkamadaha dalal kale, inkasta oo ayan qasab ku ahayn inay raacdo go’aannadooda.
    … (Qodobka 40aad.)
Status of International Law
  • English

    (2) In accordance with the Constitution, the Human Rights Commission shall have powers to perform the following functions:

    (d) To educate the public and state officials on international standards relating to human rights.
    … (Art. 111B)
  • Somali
    (2) Guddiga Xuquuqdda Aadmiga: Iyadoo la tixraacayo Dastuurka, Guddiga Xuquuqda Aadmiga, wuxuu yeelahanayaa awood uu ku fuliyo hawlahan:

    (d) Inay cilmi wacyi gelin u sameeyaan dadweynaha iyo saraakiisha xukuumadda heerarka caalamiga ah ee ku saabsan xuquuqdda aadmiga.
    … (Qodobka 111 B.)
Status of International Law
  • English
    Until the treaty imposing a treaty obligation in effect on the date that this Constitution comes into force expires or is amended, that treaty obligation remains in effect. (Art. 140)
  • Somali
    Inta heshiiska wax waajibinaya ee jirey taariikhda uu Dastuurkan dhaqan gelayo uu waqtigiisu dhacayo ama wax laga beddelayo, waajibka heshiiskaa ka dhashey sidiisa ayuu u jirayaa. (Qodobka 140aad.)
Religious Law
  • English
    (1) Islam is the religion of the State.
    (2) No religion other than Islam can be propagated in the country.
    (3) No law which is not compliant with the general principles of Shari'ah can be enacted. (Art. 2)
  • Somali
    (1) Islaamku waa Diinta Dawladda.
    (2) Diin aan ahayn Islaamka laguma faafin karo dalka.
    (3) Lama soo saari karo sharci aan waafaqsaneyn Mabaadi’da Guud ee Shareecada Islaamka iyo Maqaasiiddeeda. (Qodobka 2aad.)
Religious Law
  • English
    (1) The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia is based on the foundations of the Holy Quran and the Sunna of our prophet Mohamed (PBUH) and protects the higher objectives of Shari'ah and social justice.
    (2) The Federal Republic of Somalia is a Muslim country which is a member of the African and Arab Nations.
    … (Art. 3)
  • Somali
    (1) Dastuurka Soomaaliya waxaa saldhig u ah Qur’aanka kariimka ah iyo Sunnada Nabigeenna Muxammed (NNK), wuxuuna ilaalinayaa maqaasidda (ujeeddooyinka) shareecada iyo caddaaladda bulshada.
    (2) Soomaaliya waa dal Islaam ah, kana mid ah ummadaha Carabta iyo Afrikaanka.
    … (Qodobka 3aad.)
Religious Law
  • English

    (1) After the Shari'ah, the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia is the supreme law of the country.
    … (Art. 4)

  • Somali

    (1) Shareecada ka sokow, Dastuurka Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya waa sharciga dalka ugu sarreeya,
    ... (Qodobka 4aad.)

Religious Law
  • English

    (5) Abortion is contrary to Shari'ah and is prohibited except in cases of necessity, especially to save the life of the mother. (Art. 15)
  • Somali

    (5) Soo rididda ilmuhu waa arrin ka soo horjeedda Shareecada Islaamka, waana reebban tahay, haddii aan ka ahayn xaalad caafimaad aan looga maarmin badbaadinta nolosha hooyada. (Qodobka 15aad)
Religious Law
  • English

    (8) The teaching of Islam shall be compulsory for pupils in both public and private schools. Schools owned by non-Muslims shall be exempted from these measures. (Art. 30)
  • Somali

    (8) Waxaa qasab ah in la baro diinta Islaamka carruurta dugsiyada Dawladda iyo kuwa gaarka ah. Arrimmahan laguma dabaqi karo dugsiyada ay leeyihiin dadka aan Muslimka ahayn. (Qodobka 30aad.)
Religious Law
  • English
    (1) When interpreting the rights set out in this Chapter10, a court shall take an approach that seeks to achieve the purposes of the rights and the values that underlie them.
    (2) In interpreting these rights, the court may consider the Shari'ah, international law, and decisions of courts in other countries, though it is not bound to follow these decisions.
    (3) When interpreting and applying the law generally, a court or any tribunal shall consider the relevance of the provisions of this Chapter, and make its decisions compatible with these provisions, as far as is possible.
    (4) The recognition of the fundamental rights set out in this Chapter does not deny the existence of any other rights that are recognized or conferred by Shari'ah, or by customary law or legislation to the extent that they are consistent with the Shari'ah and the Constitution. (Art. 40)
  • Somali
    (1) Marka la fasiraayo xuquuqda ku xusan qaybtan waa in maxkamaddu ay raadiso qeexidda ujeeddooyinka laga leeyahay xuquuqdaas iyo qiyamka ay xambaarsan yihiin.
    (2) Fasiraadda xuquuqdan waxay maxkamaddu tixgelineysaa Shareecada, qaanuunka caalamiga ah iyo go’aannada maxkamadaha dalal kale, inkasta oo ayan qasab ku ahayn inay raacdo go’aannadooda.
    (3) Marka guud ahaan sharci la fasiraayo ama la dhaqan-gelinaayo, maxkamad kasta ama xeer-beegti waa in ay tixgelisaa muhiimmada qodobbada Cutubkan, intii suurtagal ahna go’aannadooda ka dhigaan kuwo la socon kara qodobbadaasi.
    (4) Xuquuqda asaasiga ah ee ku xusan Cutubkan kama hor-imaaan karaan xuquuqda kale ee Shareecada Islaamku jideysey iyo xeer-dhaqameedka la jaanqaadi kara Shareecada iyo Dastuurka. (Qodobka 40aad.)
Religious Law
  • English
    (2) The functions of the Human Rights Commission shall include the promotion of knowledge of human rights, and specifically Shari’ah, setting implementation standards and parameters for the fulfillment of human rights obligations, monitoring human rights within the country, and investigating allegations of human rights violations. (Art. 41)
  • Somali
    (2) Hawlaha Guddiga Xuquqda Aadanaha waa in ay ku jiraan horumarinta aqoonta xuquuqda Aadanaha iyo, gaar ahaan, Shareecada, asaga oo u dejinaaya halbeegyada dhaqangelinta lagu hirgelinaayo waajibaadka xuquuqda Aadanaha; dabagelidda xuquuqda Aadanaha ee dalka gudihiisa iyo baarista eedaha la xiriira xuquuqda aadanaha. (Qodobka 41aad.)
Religious Law
  • English
    (1) In Islam, justice requires a balance of rights and duties.
    … (Art. 42)
  • Somali
    (1) Sida Diinta Islaamku qabto, caddaaladda waxay ku jirtaa isu-dheellitirnaanta xuquuqda iyo waajibaadka.
    … (Qodobka 42aad.)
Religious Law
  • English

    (2) The Judicial Service Commission shall nominate as judge of the Constitutional Court only persons of high integrity, with appropriate qualifications in law and Shari’a, and who are each highly competent in Constitutional matters.
    … (Art. 109B)
  • Somali

    (2) Golaha Adeegga Garsoorku, waa in uu u magacaabaa Garsoore Maxkamadda Dastuurka qof daacadnimo sare leh oo keliya, isla markaana si rasmi ah u bartay sharciga iyo Shareecada, khaas ahaanna ku xeel dheer sharciga dastuurka.
    ... (Qodobka 109B.)
Customary Law
  • English

    (4) Female circumcision is a cruel and degrading customary practice, and is tantamount to torture. The circumcision of girls is prohibited.
    … (Art. 15)
  • Somali

    (4) Gudniinka gabdhaha waa caado naxariis-darro iyo xaqiraad u dhiganta jirdil. Gudniinka gabdhaha waa reeban yahay.
    … (Qodobka 15aad.)
Customary Law
  • English
    (1) The state shall promote the positive traditions and cultural practices of the Somali people, whilst striving to eliminate from the community customs and emerging practices which negatively impact the unity, civilization and wellbeing of society.
    … (Art. 31)
  • Somali
    (1) Dawladdu waa in ay horumarisaa hiddaha iyo dhaqanka suubban ee Shacabka Soomaaliyeed, iyadoo ku dedaaleysa in ay bulshada ka suuliso caadooyinka haraaga ah iyo kuwa dhowaan-soo-baxa ah ee wax u dhimaya midnimada, ilbaxnimada iyo caafimaadka bulshada.
    ... (Qodobak 31aad.)
Customary Law
  • English
    (4) The recognition of the fundamental rights set out in this Chapter11 does not deny the existence of any other rights that are recognized or conferred by Shari'ah, or by customary law or legislation to the extent that they are consistent with the Shari'ah and the Constitution. (Art. 40)
  • Somali

    (4) Xuquuqda asaasiga ah ee ku xusan Cutubkan kama hor-imaaan karaan xuquuqda kale ee Shareecada Islaamku jideysey iyo xeer-dhaqameedka la jaanqaadi kara Shareecada iyo Dastuurka. (Qodobka 40aad.)

Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia 2012 (English). According to Art. 5: “The official language of the Federal Republic of Somalia is Somali (Maay and Maxaa-tiri), and Arabic is the second language.”

Links to all sites last visited 20 March 2024

Chapter 6 on the Federal Parliament.

Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Article 27 is entitled "Economic and Social Rights".
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.