Constitution of the Republic of Angola 2010
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    1. Angolan nationality may be held by origin or acquired.
    2. The child of a father or mother with Angolan nationality, born in Angola or abroad, shall be an Angolan citizen by origin.
    3. A newborn child found in Angolan territory shall be presumed an Angolan citizen by origin.
    4. No Angolan citizen by origin may be deprived of their original nationality.
    5. The requirements for the acquisition, loss or re-acquisition of Angolan nationality shall be established by law. (Art. 9)
  • Portuguese
    1. A nacionalidade angolana pode ser originária ou adquirida.
    2. É cidadão angolano de origem o filho de pai ou de mãe de nacionalidade angolana, nascido em Angola ou no estrangeiro.
    3. Presume-se cidadão angolano de origem o recém-nascido achado em território angolano.
    4. Nenhum cidadão angolano de origem pode ser privado da nacionalidade originária.
    5. A lei estabelece os requisitos de aquisição, perda e reaquisição da nacionalidade angolana. (Art. 9)
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    The National Assembly shall have exclusive power to legislate on the following matters:
    a) The acquisition, loss and re-acquisition of nationality;
    … (Art. 164)
  • Portuguese
    À Assembleia Nacional compete legislar com reserva absoluta sobre as seguintes matérias:
    a) Aquisição, perda e reaquisição da nacionalidade;
    … (Art. 164)

Constitution of the Republic of Angola 2010 (English). According to Art. 19(1): “The official language of the Republic of Angola is Portuguese.”

Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
There is a discrepancy between the English and Portuguese texts.
There is a discrepancy in numbering between the English and Portuguese texts.
There is a discrepancy in numbering between the English and Portuguese texts.
Chapter I on General Principles, Title II on Fundamental Rights and Duties.