Constitution of the Republic of Angola 2010
  • English
    The fundamental tasks of the Angolan state shall be:

    g) To promote policies that will ensure universal access to compulsory free education under the terms defined by law;
    … (Art. 21)
  • Portuguese
    Constituem tarefas fundamentais do Estado angolano:

    g) Promover políticas que assegurem o acesso universal ao ensino obrigatório gratuito, nos termos definidos por lei;
    … (Art. 21)
  • English
    1. The state shall promote access for all to literacy, education,
    … (Art. 79)
  • Portuguese
    1. O Estado promove o acesso de todos à alfabetização, ao ensino,
    … (Art. 79)
  • English
    1. Unless authorisation is granted to the Executive to do so, the National Assembly shall have relative competence for legislating on the following matters:

    i) The basic elements of the national education,
    … (Art. 165)
  • Portuguese
    1. À Assembleia Nacional compete legislar com reserva relativa, salvo autorização concedida ao Executivo, sobre as seguintes matérias:

    i) Bases dos sistemas nacionais de ensino,
    … (Art. 165)

Constitution of the Republic of Angola 2010 (English). According to Art. 19(1): “The official language of the Republic of Angola is Portuguese.”

Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
There is a discrepancy between the English and Portuguese texts.
There is a discrepancy in numbering between the English and Portuguese texts.
There is a discrepancy in numbering between the English and Portuguese texts.
Chapter I on General Principles, Title II on Fundamental Rights and Duties.