Constitution of the Republic of Angola 2010
Religious Law
  • English
    1. The Republic of Angola shall be a secular state and there shall be separation between state and church, under the terms of the law.
    … (Art. 10)
  • Portuguese
    1. A República de Angola é um Estado laico, havendo separação entre o Estado e as igrejas, nos termos da lei.
    ... (Art. 10)
Religious Law
  • English
    Alterations to the Constitution must respect:

    g) The secular nature of the state and the principle of the separation of church and state;
    … (Art. 236)
  • Portuguese
    As alterações da Constituição têm de respeitar o seguinte:
    g) A laicidade do Estado e o princípio da separação entre o Estado e as igrejas;
    ... (Art. 236)

Constitution of the Republic of Angola 2010 (English). According to Art. 19(1): “The official language of the Republic of Angola is Portuguese.”

Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
There is a discrepancy between the English and Portuguese texts.
There is a discrepancy in numbering between the English and Portuguese texts.
There is a discrepancy in numbering between the English and Portuguese texts.
Chapter I on General Principles, Title II on Fundamental Rights and Duties.