Constitution of the Republic of Cameroon 1972, as amended to 2008
Head of State
  • English
    (1) The President of the Republic shall be the Head of State.
    (2) Elected by the whole Nation, he shall be the symbol of national unity.
    He shall define the policy of the Nation.
    He shall ensure respect for the Constitution.
    He shall, through his arbitration, ensure the proper functioning of public authorities.
    He shall be the guarantor ... of the respect of international treaties and agreements. (Art. 5)
  • French
    (1) Le Président de la République est le Chef de lʼEtat.
    (2) Elu de la Nation tout entière, il incarne l’unité nationale;
    Il définit la politique de la Nation;
    Il veille au respect de la Constitution;
    Il assure, par son arbitrage, le fonctionnement régulier des pouvoirs publics;
    Il est le garant ... du respect des traités et accords internationaux. (Art. 5)
Head of State
  • English
    (1) The President of the Republic shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast through direct, equal and secret universal suffrage.

    (5) Candidates for the office of President of the Republic must be Cameroonian by birth, enjoy their civic and political rights and must have attained the age of 35 (thirty-five) by the date of the election.
    (6) The conditions for electing the President of the Republic shall be laid down by law. (Art. 6)
  • French
    (1) Le Président de la République est élu au suffrage universel direct, égal et secret, à la majorité des suffrages exprimés.
    (5) Les candidats aux fonctions de Président de la République doivent être des citoyens camerounais dʼorigine, jouir de leurs droits civiques et politiques et avoir trente-cinq (35) ans révolus à la date de lʼélection.
    (6) Le régime de lʼélection à la Présidence de la République est fixé par la loi. (Art. 6)

Constitution of the Republic of Cameroon 1972, as amended to 2008 (English). There are discrepancies in the numbering of the English and French texts. According to Art. 1(3): “The official languages of the Republic of Cameroon shall be English and French, both languages having the same status. ...”

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