Constitution of the Republic of Cameroon 1972, as amended to 2008
Political Parties
  • English
    Political parties and groups shall help the electorate in the making of voting decisions. They shall be bound to respect the principles of democracy, national sovereignty and unity. They shall be formed and shall exercise their, activities in accordance with the law. (Art. 3)
  • French
    Les partis et formations politiques concourent à l’expression du suffrage. Ils doivent respecter les principes de la démocratie, de la souveraineté et de l’unité nationales. Ils se forment et exercent leurs activités conformément à la loi. (Art. 3)

Constitution of the Republic of Cameroon 1972, as amended to 2008 (English). There are discrepancies in the numbering of the English and French texts. According to Art. 1(3): “The official languages of the Republic of Cameroon shall be English and French, both languages having the same status. ...”

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