Constitution of the Union of the Comoros 2018
Obligations of Private Parties
  • English
    Every individual has the duty to respect the rights and freedoms of others, [and] the moral and the common interest. (Art. 46)
  • Arabic
    يتوجب على كل فرد احترام حقوق وحريات الآخرين والمصلحة المعنوية المشتركة. (المادة 46)
  • French
    Tout individu a le devoir de respecter les droits et les libertés d'autrui, la morale et l'intérêt commun. (Art. 46)

Constitution of the Union of the Comoros 2018 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2019). According to Art. 9: “… The official languages are Shikomor, [the] national language, French and Arabic. …”


Constitution of the Union of the Comoros 2018 (Arabic). UN Women in-house translation (2020).

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