Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2006, as amended to 2011
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    The State guarantees the right to private initiative to both nationals and to foreigners.
    … (Art. 35)
  • French
    L’Etat garantit le droit à l’initiative privée tant aux nationaux qu’aux étrangers.
    … (Art. 35)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    Work is a sacred right and duty for each Congolese.
    The State guarantees the right to work, protection against unemployment and an equitable and satisfactory remuneration, assuring the worker as well as his family of an existence in accordance with human dignity, together with all the other means of social protection, notably retirement pension[s] and life annuities.
    No one may discriminated against [leser] in their work because of their origin, their sex, their opinions, their beliefs or their socio-economic condition.
    … (Art. 36)
  • French
    Le travail est un droit et un devoir sacrés pour chaque Congolais.
    L’Etat garantit le droit au travail, la protection contre le chômage et une rémunération équitable et satisfaisante assurant au travailleur ainsi qu’à sa famille une existence conforme à la dignité humaine, complétée par tous les autres moyens de protection sociale, notamment, la pension de retraite et la rente viagère.
    Nul ne peut être lésé dans son travail en raison de ses origines, de son sexe, de ses opinions, de ses croyances ou de ses conditions socio-économiques.
    … (Art. 36)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Constitution, the law establishes the rules concerning:

    14. the right to work and of social security;
    … (Art. 122)
  • French
    Sans préjudice des autres dispositions de la présente Constitution, la loi fixe les règles concernant:

    14. le droit du travail et de la sécurité sociale;
    … (Art. 122)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Constitution, the following matters are of the exclusive competence of the Central Power:

    36. legislation concerning[,] notably;

    d. legislation on the liberal professions;
    e. labor legislation including notably the laws governing the relations between employers and workers, the security of workers, the rules concerning social security and, in particular, the rules concerning social insurance and involuntary unemployment;
    … (Art. 202)
  • French
    Sans préjudice des autres dispositions de la présente Constitution, les matières suivantes sont de la compétence exclusive du pouvoir central:

    36. la législation notamment concernant:

    d) la législation pour les professions libérales;
    e) la législation du travail comprenant notamment les lois régissant les relations entre employeurs et travailleurs, la sécurité des travailleurs, les règles relatives à la sécurité sociale et, en particulier, les règles relatives aux assurances sociales et au chômage involontaire;
    … (Art. 202)

Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2006, as amended to 2011 (English). According to Art. 1: “… Its official language is French. …” There are discrepancies in the numbering and content of the English and French texts.

Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024

There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.

There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.

There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.