Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2006, as amended to 2011
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English

    Reaffirming our adherence and our attachment to the Conventions of the United Nations on the Rights of the Child and on the Rights of Women, particularly to the objective of the parity of man-woman representation within the institutions of the country as well as to the international instruments concerning the protection and promotion of human rights;
    … (Preamble)7

  • French

    Réaffirmant notre adhésion et notre attachement à la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme, à la Charte Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples, aux Conventions des Nations Unies sur les Droits de l’Enfant et sur les Droits de la Femme, particulièrement à l’objectif de la parité de représentation homme-femme au sein des institutions du pays ainsi qu’aux instruments internationaux relatifs à la protection et à la promotion des droits humains;
    … (Préambule)

Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    No Congolese person may, in matters of education or of access to public functions or any other matter, be subject to a discriminatory measure, that results from the law or from an act of the executive, for reason of his religion, of his family origin, of his social condition, of his residence, of his opinion or political convictions, or his belonging to a certain race, to an ethnicity, to a tribe, [or] to a cultural or linguistic minority. (Art. 13)
  • French
    Aucun Congolais ne peut, en matière d’éducation et d’accès aux fonctions publiques ni en aucune autre matière, faire l’objet d’une mesure discriminatoire, qu’elle résulte de la loi ou d’un acte de l’exécutif, en raison de sa religion, de son origine familiale, de sa condition sociale, de sa résidence, de ses opinions ou de ses convictions politiques, de son appartenance à une race, à une ethnie, à une tribu, à une minorité culturelle ou linguistique. (Art. 13)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    The public powers see to the elimination of any form of discrimination concerning women and assure the protection and the promotion of their rights.
    They take, in all the domains, notably in the civil, political, economic, social and cultural domains, all the measures appropriate to assure the total realization and full participation of women in the development of the Nation.
    They take measures to struggle against all forms of violence made against women in public and in private life.
    Women have the right to an equitable representation within the national, provincial and local institutions. The State guarantees the implementation of man-woman parity in these said institutions.
    The law establishes the modalities of application of these rights. (Art. 14)
  • French
    Les pouvoirs publics veillent à l’élimination de toute forme de discrimination à l’égard de la femme et assurent la protection et la promotion de ses droits.
    Ils prennent, dans tous les domaines, notamment dans les domaines civil, politique, économique, social et culturel, toutes les mesures appropriées pour assurer le total épanouissement et la pleine participation de la femme au développement de la nation.
    Ils prennent des mesures pour lutter contre toute forme de violences faites à la femme dans la vie publique et dans la vie privée.
    La femme a droit à une représentation équitable au sein des institutions nationales, provinciales et locales.
    L’Etat garantit la mise en oeuvre de la parité homme-femme dans lesdites institutions.
    La loi fixe les modalités d’application de ces droits. (Art. 14)

Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2006, as amended to 2011 (English). According to Art. 1: “… Its official language is French. …” There are discrepancies in the numbering and content of the English and French texts.

Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024

There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.

There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.

There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.