Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2006, as amended to 2011
Head of State
  • English
    The President of the Republic is the Head of the State. He represents the Nation and is the symbol of the national unity.
    He sees to the respect for the Constitution.
    … He is the guarantor … of respect for the international treaties and agreements. (Art. 69)
  • French
    Le Président de la République est le Chef de l’Etat. Il représente la nation et il est le symbole de l’unité nationale.
    Il veille au respect de la Constitution.
    … Il est le garant … du respect des traités et accords internationaux. (Art. 69)
Head of State
  • English
    The President of the Republic is elected by direct universal suffrage for a mandate of five years renewable a single time.
    … (Art. 70)
  • French
    Le Président de la République est élu au suffrage universel direct pour un mandate de cinq ans renouvelable une seule fois.
    … (Art. 70)
Head of State
  • English
    The President of the Republic is elected by the simple majority of the suffrage expressed. (Art. 71)
  • French
    Le Président de la République est élu à la majorité simple des suffrages exprimés. (Art. 71)
Head of State
  • English
    No one may be a candidate for election as President of the Republic, if they do not meet the following conditions:
    1. to possess Congolese nationality of origin;
    2. to be at least 30 years of age;
    3. to enjoy full civil and political rights;
    4. to not be subject to one of the cases of exclusion established by the electoral law. (Art. 72)
  • French
    Nul ne peut être candidat à l’élection du Président de la République s’il ne remplit les conditions ci-après:
    1. posséder la nationalité congolaise d’origine;
    2. être âgé de 30 ans au moins;
    3. jouir de la plénitude de ses droits civils et politiques;
    4. ne pas se trouver dans un des cas d’exclusion prévus par la loi électorale. (Art. 72)

Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2006, as amended to 2011 (English). According to Art. 1: “… Its official language is French. …” There are discrepancies in the numbering and content of the English and French texts.

Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024

There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.

There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.

There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.