Constitution of the Republic of Djibouti 1992, as amended to 2010
Judicial Protection
  • English

    The judicial power sees to respect for the rights and freedoms defined by this Constitution.
    … (Art. 72)4

  • Arabic

    تحرص السلطة القضائية على احترام الحقوق والحريات المعرّفة في هذا الدستور.
    ... (المادة 72)

  • French

    … Le pouvoir judiciaire veille au respect des droits et libertés définis par la présente constitution.
    ... (Art. 71)

Judicial Protection
  • English
    The Constitutional Council sees to respect for the constitutional principles. It controls the constitutionality of the laws.
    It guarantees the fundamental rights of the human person and the public freedoms.
    … (Art. 75)
  • Arabic
    يحرص المجلس الدستوري على احترام المبادئ الدستورية.
    يراقب دستورية القوانين، ويضمن حقوق الإنسان الأساسية والحريات العامة.
    ... (المادة 75)
  • French
    Le Conseil constitutionnel veille au respect des principes constitutionnels.
    Il contrôle la constitutionnalité des lois. Il garantit les droits fondamentaux de la personne humaine et les libertés publiques.
    … (Art. 75)
Judicial Protection
  • English
    The provisions of law which concern the fundamental rights recognized to any person by the Constitution, may be submitted to the Constitutional Council by way of pleadings if it involves an instance in course before a jurisdiction.
    … (Art. 80)
  • Arabic
    يجوز تقديم أحكام القانون التي تتعلق بالحقوق الأساسية المعترف بها لأي شخص بموجب الدستور ، إلى المجلس الدستوري عن طريق المرافعات إذا كانت تنطوي على حالة بالطبع أمام ولاية قضائية
    ... (المادة 80)
  • French
    Les dispositions de la loi qui concernent les droits fondamentaux reconnus à toute personne par la Constitution peuvent être soumises au Conseil constitutionnel par voie d'exception à l'occasion d'une instance en cours devant une juridiction.
    … (Art. 80)

Constitution of the Republic of Djibouti 1992, as amended to 2010 (English). According to Art. 1: “… Its official languages are Arabic and French.”


Constitution of the Republic of Djibouti 1992, as amended to 2010 (Arabic). UN Women in-house translation (2020).


Constitution of the Republic of Djibouti 1992 (French). Amendment laws to the Constitution 2006, 2008, 2010 (French).

Links to all sites last visited 8 February 2024

There is a discrepancy between the English and French texts of Articles 71 and 72.