Fundamental Law of Equatorial Guinea 1991, as amended to 2012
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    1. The State protects the family as the fundamental unit of the society, assures [to] it the moral, cultural, and economic conditions favorable to the realization of its objectives.
    2. It protects equally all classes of matrimony celebrated in accordance to law, as well as maternity and familial assets. (Art. 22)
  • Spanish
    1. El Estado protege la familia como célula fundamental de la sociedad, le asegura las condiciones morales, culturales y económicas que favorecen la realización de sus objetivos.
    2. Protege igualmente toda clase de matrimonio celebrado conforme a derecho, así como la maternidad y el deber familiar. (Art. 22)
  • French
    1. L'État protège la famille en tant que cellule fondamentale de la société et lui procure les conditions morales, culturelles et économiques propices à la réalisation de ses objectifs.
    2. Il protège également tous les types de mariages célébrés conformément à la loi, ainsi que la maternité et les obligations familiales. (Art. 22)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The State supports responsible paternity and the education appropriate for the promotion of the family. (Art. 25)
  • Spanish
    El Estado propugna la paternidad responsable y la educación apropiada para la promoción de la familia. (Art. 25)
  • French
    L'État soutient la paternité responsable et une éducation appropriée dans le but de promouvoir la famille. (Art. 25)

Fundamental Law of Equatorial Guinea 1991, as amended to 2012 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). According to Art. 4(1): "The official languages of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea are Spanish, French and those that the Law determines. …” Spanish has the status of national language.


Fundamental Law of Equatorial Guinea 1991, as amended to 2012 (French). In-house translation by UN Women (2020).

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