Fundamental Law of Equatorial Guinea 1991, as amended to 2012
Status of the Constitution
  • English

    Adopt the following Fundamental Law of Equatorial Guinea. (Preamble)
  • Spanish

    Adoptamos la siguiente Ley Fundamental de Guinea Ecuatorial. (Preámbulo)
  • French

    Nous adoptons la Loi fondamentale de la Guinée équatoriale. (Préambule)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    The citizens, the public powers, the political parties, the unions, the associations and other juridical persons are subject to the Fundamental Law and to the Juridical Order. (Art. 11)
  • Spanish
    Los ciudadanos, los poderes públicos, los partidos políticos, los sindicatos, las asociaciones y otras personas jurídicas están sujetos a la Ley Fundamental y al Ordenamiento Jurídico. (Art. 11)
  • French
    Les citoyens, les pouvoirs publics, les partis politiques, les syndicats, les associations et les autres personnes morales sont tenus de se soumettre à la Loi fondamentale et à l'ordonnancement juridique. (Art. 11)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    Every citizen has the duty to respect, to comply with and to defend the Fundamental Law and the Juridical Order of the Nation. (Art. 21)
  • Spanish
    Todo ciudadano tiene el deber de respetar, cumplir y defender la Ley Fundamental y el Ordenamiento Jurídico de la Nación. (Art. 21)
  • French
    Tout citoyen a le devoir de respecter, d'observer et de défendre la Loi fondamentale et l'ordonnancement juridique de la Nation. (Art. 21)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    Any provisions that oppose what is provided in this Fundamental Law are derogated. (Derogatory Provision)
  • Spanish
    Quedan derogadas cuantas disposiciones se opongan a lo dispuesto en la presente Ley Fundamental. (Disposición Derogatoria)
  • French
    Les dispositions contraires à la présente Loi fondamentale sont réputées abrogées. (Disposition abrogative)

Fundamental Law of Equatorial Guinea 1991, as amended to 2012 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). According to Art. 4(1): "The official languages of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea are Spanish, French and those that the Law determines. …” Spanish has the status of national language.


Fundamental Law of Equatorial Guinea 1991, as amended to 2012 (French). In-house translation by UN Women (2020).

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