Constitution of Eritrea 1997
Obligations of the State
  • English
    We, the people of Eritrea, …
    Convinced that the establishment of a democratic order, through the participation of and in response to the needs and interests of citizens, which guarantees the recognition and protection of the rights of citizens, human dignity, equality, balanced development and the satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of citizens, is the foundation of economic growth, social harmony and progress;
    … (Preamble)
Obligations of the State
  • English

    2. This Constitution enunciates the principles on which the State is based and by which it shall be guided and determines the organization and operation of government. It is the source of government legitimacy and the basis for the protection of the rights, freedoms and dignity of citizens and of just administration.…
    5. This Constitution shall serve as a basis for instilling constitutional culture and for enlightening citizens to respect fundamental human rights and duties. (Art. 2)
Obligations of the State
  • English

    2. Any act that violates the human rights of women or limits or otherwise thwarts their role and participation is prohibited.
    … (Art. 7)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    1. The National Assembly or any subordinate legislative authority shall not make any law, and the Executive and the agencies of government shall not take any action that abolishes or abridges the fundamental rights and freedoms conferred by this Constitution, unless so authorised by this Constitution. Any law or action in violation thereof shall be null and void.
    … (Art. 28)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    The rights enumerated in this Chapter2 shall not preclude other rights which ensue from the spirit of this Constitution and the principles of a society based on social justice, democracy and the rule of law. (Art. 29)
Obligations of Private Parties
  • English

    5. This Constitution shall serve as a basis for instilling constitutional culture and for enlightening citizens to respect fundamental human rights and duties. (Art. 2)
Obligations of Private Parties
  • English
    All citizens shall have the duty to:

    6. respect the rights of others;
    … (Art. 25)
Judicial Protection
  • English

    2. Any aggrieved person who claims that a fundamental right or freedom guaranteed by this Constitution has been denied or violated shall be entitled to petition a competent court for redress. Where it ascertains that such fundamental right or freedom has been denied or violated, the court shall have the power to make all such orders as shall be necessary to secure for such petitioner the enjoyment of such fundamental right or freedom, and where such applicant suffers damage, to include an award of monetary compensation. (Art. 28)
Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024
Chapter III on Fundamental Rights, Freedoms and Duties.
Chapter III on Fundamental Rights, Freedoms and Duties.