Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1994
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    Every person has the right to freedom of association for any cause or purpose. … (Art. 31)
  • Amharic
    ማንኛውም ሰው ለማንኛውም ዓላማ በማኅበር የመደራጀት መብት አለው፡፡ … (አንቀጽ 31)
Political Rights and Association
  • English

    3. The historical legacy of inequality and discrimination suffered by women in Ethiopia taken into account, women, in order to remedy this legacy, are entitled to affirmative measures. The purpose of such measures shall be to provide special attention to women so as to enable them to compete and participate on the basis of equality with men in political, social and economic life as well as in public and private institutions.
    … (Art. 35)
  • Amharic

    3. ሴቶች በበታችነትና በልዩነት በመታየታቸው የደረሰባቸውን የታሪክ ቅርስ ከግምት ውስጥ በማስገባት ይህ ቅርስ እንዲታረምላቸው በተጨማሪ የድጋፍ እርምጃዎች ተጠቃሚ የመሆን መብት አላቸው፡፡ በዚህ በኩል የሚወሰዱት እርምጃዎች ዓላማ በፖለቲካዊ፣ በማኅበራዊና በኢኮኖሚያዊ መስኮች እንዲሁም በመንግሥት እና በግል ተቋሞች ውስጥ ሴቶች ከወንዶች ጋር በእኩልነት ተወዳዳሪና ተሳታፊ እንዲሆኑ ለማድረግ እንዲቻል ልዩ ትኩረት ለመስጠት ነው፡፡
    … (አንቀጽ 35)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    1. Every Ethiopian national, without any discrimination based on colour, race, nation, nationality, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion or other status, has the following rights:
    a. To take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly and through freely chosen representatives;
    b. On the attainment of 18 years of age, to vote in accordance with law;
    c. To vote and to be elected at periodic elections to any office at any level of government; elections shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot, guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors.
    2. The right of everyone to be a member of his own will in a political organization, labour union, trade organization, or employers' or professional association shall be respected if he or she meets the special and general requirements stipulated by such organization.
    3. Elections to positions of responsibility within any of the organizations referred to under sub-Article 2 of this Article shall be conducted in a free and democratic manner.
    4. The provisions of sub-Articles 2 and 3 of this Article shall apply to civic organizations which significantly affect the public interest. (Art. 38)
  • Amharic
    1. ማንኛውም ኢትዮጵያዊ ዜጋ በቀለም፣ በዘር፣ በብሔር፣ በብሔረሰብ፣ በጾታ፣በቋንቋ፣ በሃይማኖት፣ በፖለቲካ ወይም በሌላ አመለከካከት ወይም በሌላ አቋም ላይ የተመሰረተ ልዩነት ሳይደረግበት የሚከተሉት መብቶች አሉት፤
    ሀ/ በቀጥታ እና በነጻነት በመረጣቸው ተወካዮች አማካኝነት በሕዝብ ጉዳይ አስተዳደር የመሳተፍ፣
    ለ/ ዕድሜው 18 ዓመት ሲሞላ በሕግ መሰረት የመምረጥ ፣
    ሐ/ በማናቸውም የመንግሥት ደረጃ በየጊዜው በሚካሄድ ምርጫ የመምረጥና የመመረጥ፡፡ ምርጫው ሁሉ አቀፍ፣ በሁሉም እኩልነት ላይ የተመሰረተና በሚስጥር ድምጽ አሰጣጥ መራጩ ፈቃዱን በነጻነት የሚገልጽበት ዋስትና የሚሰጥ መሆን አለበት፡፡
    2. በፖለቲካ ድርጅቶች፣ በሠራተኞች፣ በንግድ፣ በአሠሪዎችና በሙያ ማኅበራት ለተሳትፎ ድርጅቱ የሚጠይቀውን ጠቅላላና ልዩ የአባልነት መስፈርት የሚያሟላ ማንኛውም ሰው በፍላጐቱ አባል የመሆን መብቱ የተከበረ መሆን አለበት፡፡
    3. በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዑስ አንቀጽ 2 በተመለከቱት ድርጅቶች ውስጥ ለኃላፊነት ቦታዎች የሚካሄዱ ምርጫዎች ነጻና ዴሞክራሲያዊ በሆነ መንገድ ይፈጸማሉ፡፡
    4. የዚህ አንቀጽ ንዑስ አንቀጽ 2 እና 3 ድንጋጌዎች የሕዝብን ጥቅም ሰፋ ባለ ሁኔታ የሚነኩ እስከሆነ ድረስ በሕዝባዊ ድርጅቶች ላይ ተፈጻሚ ይሆናሉ፡፡ (አንቀጽ 38)

Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1994 (English). According to Art. 106: “The Amharic version of this Constitution shall have final legal authority.” There are discrepancies in the content of the English and Amharic texts.


Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1994 (Amharic). Copy obtained from the Ministry of Justice, Ethiopia.

Links to all sites last visited 6 March 2024
Chapter Three on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.
Chapter Three on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.
Chapter Three on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.