Constitution of the Republic of Guinea 2010
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    Marriage and family, which constitute the natural foundation of life in society, are protected and promoted by the State.
    Parents have the right and duty to assure the education and the physique and moral health of their children. Children owe care [soin] and assistance to their parents. (Art. 18)
  • French
    Le mariage et la famille, qui constituent le fondement naturel de la vie en société, sont protégés et promus par l'État.
    Les parents ont le droit et le devoir d'assurer l'éducation et la santé physique et morale de leurs enfants. Les enfants doivent soin et assistance à leurs parents. (Art. 18)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English

    The law establishes the rules concerning:

    - … the status [état] and the capacity of persons, the matrimonial regimes, inheritance and gifts;
    … (Art. 72)
  • French

    La loi fixe les règles concernant :

    - … l'état et la capacité des personnes, les régimes matrimoniaux, les successions et les libéralités ;
    … (Art. 72)

Constitution of the Republic of Guinea 2010 (English). According to Art. 1: “… The official language is French. …” The Constitution on the database is a historical version and no longer in force. A constitutional review process is ongoing.

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