Constitution of the Republic of Guinea 2010
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    Marriage and family, which constitute the natural foundation of life in society, are protected and promoted by the State.
    ... (Art. 18)
  • French
    Le mariage et la famille, qui constituent le fondement naturel de la vie en société, sont protégés et promus par l'État.
    … (Art. 18)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The People of Guinea determine freely and sovereignly their Institutions and the economic and social organization of the Nation.
    They have an an inprescriptible right to its wealth. This must profit in an equitable manner all Guineans.
    … (Art. 21)
  • French
    Le Peuple de Guinée détermine librement et souverainement ses Institutions et l’organisation économique et sociale de la Nation.
    Il a un droit imprescriptible sur ses richesses. Celles-ci doivent profiter de manière équitable à tous les Guinéens.
    … (Art. 21)

Constitution of the Republic of Guinea 2010 (English). According to Art. 1: “… The official language is French. …” The Constitution on the database is a historical version and no longer in force. A constitutional review process is ongoing.

Links to all sites last visited 8 March 2024