Constitutional Declaration of Libya 2011, as amended to 2016
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The family is the basis of society and shall be entitled to protection by the State. The State shall also protect and encourage marriage. The State shall guarantee the protection of motherhood, childhood and the elderly.
    … (Art. 5)
  • Arabic
    الأسـرة هي الركـن الأسـاسي للمُجتمع، وهي في حمى الدّولـة، وتحمـي الدّولة الزّواج وتُشجع عليه، وتكفل حماية الأمومة والطّفولة والشّيخوخة.
    ... (المادّة 5)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The State shall guarantee equal opportunity for every citizen and shall provide an appropriate standard of living. The State shall also guarantee the right of work, education, medical care, social security, and the right of intellectual and private property. The State shall further guarantee the fair distribution of national wealth among citizens, and among the different cities and districts thereof. (Art. 8)
  • Arabic
    تضمن الدّولة تكافؤ الفرص، وتعمل على توفير المستوي المعيشي اللّائق وحقّ العمل والتعليم والرّعاية الصحية والضمان الاجتماعي لكل مواطن، كما تكفل حقّ الملكية الفردية والخاصّة، وتضمن الدولة عدالة توزيع الثروة الوطنية بين المواطنين وبين مختلف مدن ومناطق الدولة. (المادّة 8)
Constitutional Declaration of Libya 2011 (English). According to Art. 1: “… Arabic is its official language. …” The constitutional declaration was amended multiple times till 2016 and a consolidated version is not publicly available.
Constitutional Declaration of Libya 2011 (Arabic) The constitutional declaration was amended multiple times till 2016 and a consolidated version is not publicly available.
Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
NTC" stands for "Interim National Transitional Council"