Constitutional Declaration of Libya 2011, as amended to 2016
Political Parties
  • English
    The State shall guarantee the freedom of forming political parties, societies and other civil society organisations, and a law shall be promulgated to regulate same. The establishment of clandestine or armed groups, or groups in violation of public order or of public morals and others which may be detrimental to the State or the unity of national territory shall be prohibited. (Art. 15)
  • Arabic
    تكفل الدّولة حُرّية تكوين الأحزاب السياسية والجمعيات وسائر مُنظمات المُجتمع المدني، ويصدر قانون بتنظيمها، ولا يجوز إنشاء جمعيات سرية أو مسلحة أو مُخالفة للنظام العام أو الآداب العامة، وغيرها مما يضر بالدولة ووحدة التراب الوطني. (المادة 15)
Constitutional Declaration of Libya 2011 (English). According to Art. 1: “… Arabic is its official language. …” The constitutional declaration was amended multiple times till 2016 and a consolidated version is not publicly available.
Constitutional Declaration of Libya 2011 (Arabic) The constitutional declaration was amended multiple times till 2016 and a consolidated version is not publicly available.
Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
NTC" stands for "Interim National Transitional Council"