Constitution of the Republic of Madagascar 2010
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    The family, natural and fundamental element of the society, is protected by the State.
    All individuals have the right to found a family and to transmit by inheritance their personal assets. (Art. 20)
  • French
    La famille, élément naturel et fondamental de la société, est protégée par l'Etat.
    Tout individu a le droit de fonder une famille et de transmettre en héritage ses biens personnels. (Art. 20)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    The State assures the protection of the family for its free development as well as that of the mother and the child through a legislation and the appropriate social institutions. (Art. 21)
  • French
    L'Etat assure la protection de la famille pour son libre épanouissement ainsi que celle de la mère et de l'enfant par une législation et des institutions sociales appropriées. (Art. 21)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English

    Every child has the right to instruction and to education under the responsibility of the parents within respect for their freedom of choice.
    ... (Art. 23)

  • French

    Tout enfant a droit à l’instruction et à l’éducation sous la responsabilité des parents dans le respect de leur liberté de choix.
    … (Art. 23)

Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    Every citizen has the right to a fair remuneration for their work assuring them, as well as their family, an existence in conformity with human dignity. (Art. 29)
  • French
    Tout citoyen a droit à une juste rémunération de son travail lui assurant, ainsi qu’à sa famille, une existence conforme à la dignité humaine. (Art. 29)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    In addition to the issues that are directed to it by other Articles of the Constitution:
    I. The law establishes the rules concerning:

    11°. the organization of the family, the state and the capacity of persons, the matrimonial regimes, inheritance and gifts;
    … (Art. 95)
  • French
    Outre les questions qui lui sont renvoyées par d’autres articles de la Constitution :
    I – La loi fixe les règles concernant :

    11. l’organisation de la famille, l’état et la capacité des personnes, les régimes matrimoniaux, les successions et les libéralités;
    … (Art. 95)

Constitution of the Republic of Madagascar 2010 (English). According to Art. 4: “... The official languages are Malagasy and French.”

Links to all sites last visited 14 February 2024

There are discrepancies between the French and English texts.