Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania 1991, as amended to 2017
Political Parties
  • English
    The political parties and groups concur in [concourent] the formation and to the expression of the political will. They are formed and they exercise their activities freely under the condition of respecting the democratic principles and of not infringing, by their object or by their action[,] the national sovereignty, the territorial integrity, and the unity of the Nation and of the Republic.
    The law establishes the conditions of creation, of functioning, and of dissolution of the political parties. (Art. 11)
  • Arabic
    تساهم الأحزاب و التّجمعات السّياسية في تكوين الإرادة السّياسية و التّعبير عنها. تتكوّن الأحزاب و التّجمعات السّياسية و تمارس نشاطها بحرّية بشرط احترام المبادئ الديمقراطية، و شرط أن لا تمسّ من خلال عرضها و نشاطها بالسّيادة الوطنية والسلامة الإقليمية ووحدة الأمة و الجمهورية.
    يحدّد القانون شروط انشاء و سير و حلّ الأحزاب السياسية. (المادّة 11)
  • French
    Les partis et groupements politiques concourent à la formation et l'expression de la volonté politique. Ils se forment et exercent leurs activités librement sous la condition de respecter les principes démocratiques et de ne pas porter atteinte par leur objet ou par leur action à la souveraineté nationale, à l'intégrité territoriale à l'unité de la Nation et de la République.
    La loi fixe les conditions de création, de fonctionnement et de dissolution des partis politiques. (Art. 11)

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania 1991, as amended to 2017 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). According to Art. 6: “The national languages are: Arabic, Poular, Soninke, and Wolof. The official language is Arabic.”


Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania 1991, as amended to 2017 (Arabic), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).

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