Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique 2004, as amended to 2023
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    1. The State shall promote, co-ordinate and supervise economic activity, acting directly or indirectly to resolve the basic problems of the people and to reduce social and regional inequalities.
    … (Art. 101)
  • Portuguese
    1. O Estado promove, coordena e fiscaliza a actividade económica agindo directa ou indirectamente para a solução dos problemas fundamentais do povo e para a redução das desigualdades sociais e regionais.
    ... (Art. 101)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    1. The family sector shall play a fundamental role in meeting the basic needs of the people.
    2. The State shall support and provide incentives for family sector production, and shall encourage peasants as well as individual workers to organize themselves into more advanced forms of production. (Art. 105)
  • Portuguese
    1. Na satisfação das necessidades essenciais da população, ao sector familiar cabe um papel fundamental.
    2. O Estado incentiva e apoia a produção do sector familiar e encoraja os camponeses, bem como os trabalhadores individuais, a organizarem-se em formas mais avançadas de produção. (Art. 105)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    1. Labour is the driving force of development and shall merit respect and protection.
    2. The State shall promote the fair distribution of the proceeds of labour.
    … (Art. 112)
  • Portuguese
    1. O trabalho é a força motriz do desenvolvimento e é dignificado e protegido.
    2. O Estado propugna a justa repartição dos rendimentos do trabalho.
    … (Art. 112)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    1. Motherhood and fatherhood shall be afforded dignity and protection.
    … (Art. 120)
  • Portuguese
    1. A maternidade e a paternidade são dignificadas e protegidas.
    ... (Art. 120)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English

    2. The offices and agents of the Public Administration shall owe obedience to the Constitution and the law, and shall act with respect for the principles of equality, of impartiality, of ethics and of justice. (Art. 248)
  • Portuguese

    2. Os órgãos da Administração Pública obedecem à Constituição e à lei e actuam com respeito pelos princípios da igualdade, da imparcialidade, da ética e da justiça. (Art. 248)

Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique 2004, as amended to 2018 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). Consolidated version as amended to 2023 not publicly available, concerns provision (Art. 311) that is not of direct relevance to the database. According to Art. 10: “The official language in the Republic of Mozambique shall be Portuguese.”

Links to all sites last visited 28 February 2024