Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique 2004, as amended to 2023
  • English

    3. The Head of State shall be the Head of Government.
    … (Art. 145)
  • Portuguese

    3. O Presidente da República é o Chefe do Governo.
    … (Art. 145)
  • English
    1. Within the domain of the Government, the President of the Republic is competent:
    a. to convoke and to preside over the sessions of the Council of Ministers;
    b. to appoint, to exonerate and to dismiss the Prime Minister;
    c. to create ministries and commissions of inter-ministerial nature.
    2. The President of the Republic is also competent, to appoint, to exonerate and to dismiss:
    a. the Ministers and Vice Ministers;
    … (Art. 159)
  • Portuguese
    1. No domínio do Governo, compete ao Presidente da República:
    a) convocar e presidir as sessões do Conselho de Ministros;
    b) nomear, exonerar e demitir o Primeiro-Ministro;
    c) criar ministérios e comissões de natureza inter-ministerial.
    2. Compete, ainda, ao Presidente de la República, nomear, exonerar e demitir:
    a) os Ministros e Vice-Ministros;
    … (Art. 159)
  • English
    1. The Council of Ministers shall consist of the President of the Republic, who shall preside, the Prime Minister and the Ministers.
    2. Deputy Ministers and Secretaries of State may be summoned to take part in meetings of the Council of Ministers. (Art. 200)
  • Portuguese
    1. O Conselho de Ministros é composto pelo Presidente da República que a ele preside, pelo Primeiro-Ministro e pelos Ministros.
    2. Podem ser convocados para participar em reuniões do Conselho de Ministros os Vice-Ministros e os Secretários de Estado. (Art. 200)
  • English
    1. The Council of Ministers shall secure the administration of the country, shall guarantee its territorial integrity, shall safeguard public order and the security and stability of citizens, shall promote economic development, shall implement the State’s social agenda, shall develop and consolidate legality and shall carry out the country’s foreign policy.
    2. The defence of public order shall be guaranteed by the appropriate entities operating under government control. (Art. 202)
  • Portuguese
    1. O Conselho de Ministros assegura a administração do país, garante a integridade territorial, vela pela ordem pública e pela segurança e estabilidade dos cidadãos, promove o desenvolvimento económico, implementa a acção social do Estado, desenvolve e consolida a legalidade e realiza a política externa do país.
    2. A defesa da ordem pública é assegurada por órgãos apropriados que funcionam sob controlo governamental. (Art. 202)

Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique 2004, as amended to 2018 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). Consolidated version as amended to 2023 not publicly available, concerns provision (Art. 311) that is not of direct relevance to the database. According to Art. 10: “The official language in the Republic of Mozambique shall be Portuguese.”

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