Constitution of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe 1975, as amended to 2003
Protection from Violence
  • English
    1. The moral and physical integrity of people shall be inviolable.
    2. No one may be subjected to torture or to treatments or punishments that are cruel, inhumane or degrading. (Art. 23)
  • Portuguese
    1. A integridade moral e física das pessoas é inviolável.
    2. Ninguém pode ser submetido a tortura, nem tratos ou penas cruéis, desumanos ou degradantes. (Art. 23)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    1. Everyone shall have the right to physical liberty and to personal safety.
    … (Art. 36)
  • Portuguese
    1. Todos têm direito à liberdade física e à segurança pessoal.
    … (Art. 36)

Constitution of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe 1975, as amended to 2003 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).

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