Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia 2012
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    (1) The people of the Federal Republic of Somalia are one, indivisible and comprise all the citizens.
    (2) There shall be only one Somali citizenship, and the House of the People of the Federal Parliament of Somalia shall enact a special law that shall define how to obtain, suspend, or lose it.
    (3) A person who is a Somali citizen cannot be deprived of Somali citizenship, even if they become a citizen of another country.
    (4) Denial, suspension, or deprivation of Somali citizenship may not be based on political grounds. (Art. 8)
  • Somali
    (1) Shacabka Soomaaliyeed waa mid, lamana kala qaybin karo, wuxuuna ka kooban yahay dhammaan muwaadiniinta.
    (2) Jinsiyadda Soomaaliyeed waa mid qur ah, sharci gaar ah oo ay soo saaraan Golaha Shacabka ee Dawlada Federaalka Soomaaliyeed ayaana xaddidaya sida lagu helayo, lagu laalayo ama lagu waayayo.
    (3) Qof leh jinsiyadda Soomaaliyeed lagama qaadi karo jinsiyadda Soomaaliyeed, xataa hadduu qaato jinsiyad dal kale.
    (4) Diidmada, laalista iyo ka-qaadista jinsiyadda laguma xiri karo asbaabo siyaasadeed. (Qodobka 8aad.)
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    The allocation of powers and resources shall be negotiated and agreed upon by the Federal Government and the Federal Member States (pending the formation of Federal Member States), except in matters concerning: ... (C) Citizenship and Immigration; … which shall be within the powers and responsibilities of the federal government. (Art. 54)
  • Somali
    Awood-qaybsiga siyaasadeed iyo dhaqaale waxaa ka wada xaajoon doona Dawladda Federaalka iyo Dawladaha ka mid noqonaya Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya marka laga reebo: ... C)Jinsiyadda iyo Socdaalka ... oo ay awooddeeda iyo mas’uuliyaddeeda yeelaneyso dowladda federaalka. (Qodobka 54aad.)

Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia 2012 (English). According to Art. 5: “The official language of the Federal Republic of Somalia is Somali (Maay and Maxaa-tiri), and Arabic is the second language.”

Links to all sites last visited 20 March 2024

Chapter 6 on the Federal Parliament.

Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Article 27 is entitled "Economic and Social Rights".
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.