Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia 2012
  • English
    The powers and responsibilities of the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia are to:

    (d) Appoint the Prime Minister, and to dissolve the Federal Government if it does not get the required vote of confidence from the House of the People of the Federal Parliament by a simple majority (50% +1);
    … (Art. 90)
  • Somali
    Awoodaha iyo xilka Madaxweynaha waxaa ka mid ah:

    (d) Wuxuu magacaabayaa xilka Wasiirka Koowaad wuxuuna xilka ka qaadayaa ama kala dirayaa Xukuumadda Federaalka haddii ay waydo codka kalsoonida Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka, oo ah cod hal-dheeri ah (50%+1).
    … (Qodobka 90aad.)
  • English
    (1) The executive power of the Federal Government shall be vested in the Council of Ministers, in accordance with the Constitution.
    (2) The Council of Ministers is the highest executive authority of the Federal Government and consists of the Prime Minister, the deputy prime minister (s), ministers, state ministers and deputy-ministers.
    (3) The Prime Minister shall appoint deputy prime ministers, ministers, state ministers, and deputy ministers. Those eligible for membership of the Council of Ministers may be, but shall not be limited to, members of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament.
    … (Art. 97)
  • Somali
    (1) Awoodda fulinta ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ah waxaa leh Golaha Wasiirrada, waxayna u qabanayaan sida Dastuurka ku tilmaaman.
    (2) Golaha Wasiirradu waa hay’adda fulinta maamulka ugu sarraya Dowladda Federaalka, wuxuuna ka kooban yahay Ra’iisul Wasaare, Ra’iisul-Wasaare ku-xigeen/ku-xigeenno, Wasiirro, Wasiirro-Dawlayaal iyo Wasiirro-ku-Xigeenno.
    (3) Ra’iisul-wasaarahu wuxuu magacaabayaa Ra’iisul Wasaare ku-xigeenno, wasiirro, wasiirroDawlayaal iyo wasiirro-ku-xigeeno. Golaha Wasiirrada waa ay ka iman karaan xubin ka mid ah Golaha Shacabka iyo xubin aan ka mid aheyn Golaha Shacabkaba.
    … (Qodobka 97aad.)
  • English
    (1) The person holding the office of the Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister must:
    (a) Not be below the age of forty (40) years; and
    (b) Have a university-level education.
    (2) The person being appointed as Minister, State Minister or Deputy-Minister must:
    (a) Not be below the age of thirty (30) years; and
    (b) Have university-level education.
    … (Art. 98)
  • Somali
    (1) Qofka qabanaaya xilka Xafiiska Ra’iisul-wasaaraha iyo Ku-xigeenkiisa:
    (a) Waa in aan da’diisu ka yaraan afartan (40) sano;
    (b) Waa in Aqoontiisu gaarsiisan tahay heer jaamacadeed.
    (2) Qofka loo magacaabayo Wasiir ama Wasiir Dawlo ama Wasiir-ku-xigeen:
    (a) Waa inaan da’diisu ka yaraan soddon (30) sano;
    (b) Waa in aqoontiisu gaarsiisan tahay heer jaamacadeed.
    … (Qodobka 98aad.)

Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia 2012 (English). According to Art. 5: “The official language of the Federal Republic of Somalia is Somali (Maay and Maxaa-tiri), and Arabic is the second language.”

Links to all sites last visited 20 March 2024

Chapter 6 on the Federal Parliament.

Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Article 27 is entitled "Economic and Social Rights".
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.