Constitutional Charter for the Transitional Period of Sudan 2019, as amended to 2020
Electoral Bodies
  • English
    (1) Independent commissions shall be established, and figures with attested competence and integrity shall be nominated therefor. They are formed and their competencies defined by the laws that establish them.
    (3) The Sovereignty Council appoints the chairman and members of the following commissions, in consultation with the Cabinet:

    (d) Elections Commission.
    ... (Art. 38)
  • Arabic
    1. تنشأ مفوضيات مستقلة ويرشح لها شخصيات من الخبراء مشهود لهم بالكفاءة والنزاهة، وتشكل وتحدد إختصاصاتها وفق القوانيين التي تنشئها .

    3. يعين مجلس الوزراء رئيس واعضاء المفوضيات الأتيه:

    .... (ج) مفوضية الإنتخابات.
    (المادة 39)
Constitutional Charter for the Transitional Period of Sudan 2019 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library 2020. There are discrepancies in the numbering between the English and the Arabic texts.
Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
Reference to Chapter 14: Rights and Freedoms Charter.
There is a typo in the numbering in the original version.
Reference to Chapter 14: Rights and Freedoms Charter.
Reference to Chapter 14: Rights and Freedoms Charter.