Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil 1988, as amended to 2017
  • English
    The National Government shall guarantee to all full exercise of cultural rights and access to sources of national culture, and shall support and grant incentives for appreciation and diffusion of cultural expression.
    §1°. The National Government shall protect expressions of popular, indigenous and Afro-Brazilian cultures and those of other participant groups in the process of national civilization.
    … (Art. 215)
  • Portuguese
    O Estado garantirá a todos o pleno exercício dos direitos culturais e acesso às fontes da cultura nacional, e apoiará e incentivará a valorização e a difusão das manifestações culturais.
    § 1º O Estado protegerá as manifestações das culturas populares, indígenas e afro-brasileiras, e das de outros grupos participantes do processo civilizatório nacional.
    … (Art. 215)
Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021