Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile 1980, as amended to 2024
Protection from Violence
  • English
    The Constitution assures to all persons:
    1. The right to life and to the physical and psychological integrity of the person.

    2. … In Chile there are no slaves, and [any] one that sets foot on its territory becomes free.

    7. The right to personal freedom and to individual security.

    15. …
    The Political Constitution guarantees political pluralism. The parties, movements or other forms of organization of which the objectives, acts or conduct do not respect the basic principles of the democratic and constitutional regime, advocate [procuren] the establishment of a totalitarian system, as well as those which use violence, or advocate or incite it as a method of political action, are unconstitutional. It will correspond to the Constitutional Tribunal to declare such unconstitutionality.
    … (Art. 19)
  • Spanish
    La Constitución asegura a todas las personas:
    1º.- El derecho a la vida y a la integridad física y psíquica de la persona.

    2º.- … En Chile no hay esclavos y el que pise su territorio queda libre.

    7º.- El derecho a la libertad personal y a la seguridad individual.

    15º.- …
    La Constitución Política garantiza el pluralismo político. Son inconstitucionales los partidos, movimientos u otras formas de organización cuyos objetivos, actos o conductas no respeten los principios básicos del régimen democrático y constitucional, procuren el establecimiento de un sistema totalitario, como asimismo aquellos que hagan uso de la violencia, la propugnen o inciten a ella como método de acción política. Corresponderá al Tribunal Constitucional declarar esta inconstitucionalidad.
    … (Art. 19)

Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile 1980, as amended to 2024 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).

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