Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile 1980, as amended to 2024
Status of the Constitution
  • English

    The exercise of sovereignty recognizes as a limitation the respect for the essential rights which emanate from human nature. It is the duty of the organs of the State to respect and promote those rights, guaranteed by this Constitution, as well as by the international treaties ratified by Chile and which are in force. (Art. 5)
  • Spanish

    El ejercicio de la soberanía reconoce como limitación el respeto a los derechos esenciales que emanan de la naturaleza humana. Es deber de los órganos del Estado respetar y promover tales derechos, garantizados por esta Constitución, así como por los tratados internacionales ratificados por Chile y que se encuentren vigentes. (Art. 5)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    The organs of the State must subject their action to the Constitution and to the norms adopted [dictar] in conformity with it, and guarantee the institutional order of the Republic.
    The precepts of this Constitution obligate both the titular [officials] [titulares] or members [integrantes] of said organs, as well as any person, institution or group.
    The infraction of this norm will generate the responsibilities and penalties that the law determines. (Art. 6)
  • Spanish
    Los órganos del Estado deben someter su acción a la Constitución y a las normas dictadas conforme a ella, y garantizar el orden institucional de la República.
    Los preceptos de esta Constitución obligan tanto a los titulares o integrantes de dichos órganos como a toda persona, institución o grupo.
    La infracción de esta norma generará las responsabilidades y sanciones que determine la ley. (Art. 6)

Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile 1980, as amended to 2024 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).

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