Political Constitution of the Republic of Costa Rica 1949, as amended to 2020
Protection from Violence
  • English
    Every person is free in the Republic; whoever is under the protection of its laws may not be slave [masculine] or slave [feminine]. (Art. 20)
  • Spanish
    Toda persona es libre en la República, quien se halle bajo la protección de sus leyes no podrá ser esclavo ni esclava. (Art. 20)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    No one will be submitted to cruel or degrading treatments or to perpetual penalties, or to the penalty of confiscation. Any declaration obtained by means of violence will be null. (Art. 40)
  • Spanish
    Nadie será sometido a tratamientos crueles o degradantes ni a penas perpetuas, ni a la pena de confiscación. Toda declaración obtenida por medio de violencia será nula. (Art. 40)
Links to all sites last visited 8 February 2024
Sole Chapter of Title V on Social Rights and Guarantees.