Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador 2008, as amended to 2021
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    All female and male Ecuadorians are citizens and shall enjoy the rights set forth in the Constitution.
    Ecuadorian nationality is a political and legal bond between individuals and the State, without detriment to their belonging to any of the other indigenous nations that coexist in plurinational Ecuador.
    Ecuadorian nationality is obtained by birth or naturalization and shall not be forfeited because of marriage or its dissolution or by acquiring another nationality. (Art. 6)
  • Spanish
    Todas las ecuatorianas y los ecuatorianos son ciudadanos y gozarán de los derechos establecidos en la Constitución.
    La nacionalidad ecuatoriana es el vínculo jurídico político de las personas con el Estado, sin perjuicio de su pertenencia a alguna de las nacionalidades indígenas que coexisten en el Ecuador plurinacional.
    La nacionalidad ecuatoriana se obtendrá por nacimiento o por naturalización y no se perderá por el matrimonio o su disolución, ni por la adquisición de otra nacionalidad. (Art. 6)
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    The following persons are Ecuadorians by birth:
    1. Persons born in Ecuador.
    2. Persons born abroad of a mother or father born in Ecuador and their descendants up to the third degree of consanguinity.
    3. Persons belonging to communities, peoples or nations recognized by the State living in border areas. (Art. 7)
  • Spanish
    Son ecuatorianas y ecuatorianos por nacimiento:
    1. Las personas nacidas en el Ecuador.
    2. Las personas nacidas en el extranjero de madre o padre nacidos en el Ecuador; y sus descendientes hasta el tercer grado de consanguinidad.
    3. Las personas pertenecientes a comunidades, pueblos o nacionalidades reconocidos por el Ecuador con presencia en las zonas de frontera. (Art. 7)
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    The following persons are Ecuadorians by naturalization:
    1. Those who obtain the naturalization card.
    2. Under-age foreigners adopted by a female or male Ecuadorian, who shall keep their Ecuadorian nationality as long as they do not express their wish to the contrary.
    3. Those born abroad of a mother or father who is Ecuadorian by naturalization, while they are minors, shall keep their Ecuadorian nationality, as long as they do not express their wish to the contrary.
    4. Those who marry, or have a common-law marriage with, an Ecuadorian female or male, in accordance with the law.
    5. Those who obtain Ecuadorian nationality for having provided important services to the country on the basis of their talent or individual effort.
    Those who acquire the Ecuadorian nationality shall not be obligated to forfeit their nationality of origin.
    Ecuadorian nationality acquired by naturalization shall be forfeited by express renunciation. (Art. 8)
  • Spanish
    Con ecuatorianas y ecuatorianos por naturalización las siguientes personas:
    1. Las que obtengan la carta de naturalización.
    2. Las extranjeras menores de edad adoptadas por una ecuatoriana o ecuatoriano, que conservarán la nacionalidad ecuatoriana mientras no expresen voluntad contraria.
    3. Las nacidas en el exterior de madre o padre ecuatorianos por naturalización, mientras aquéllas sean menores de edad; conservarán la nacionalidad ecuatoriana si no expresan voluntad contraria.
    4. Las que contraigan matrimonio o mantengan unión de hecho con una ecuatoriana o un ecuatoriano, de acuerdo con la ley.
    5. Las que obtengan la nacionalidad ecuatoriana por haber prestado servicios relevantes al país con su talento o esfuerzo Individual.
    Quienes adquieran la nacionalidad ecuatoriana no estarán obligados a renunciar a su nacionalidad de origen.
    La nacionalidad ecuatoriana adquirida por naturalización se perderá por renuncia expresa. (Art. 8)
Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024

Art. 261 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.

Art. 142 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.
Art. 142 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.
Art. 261 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.