Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador 2008, as amended to 2021
  • English
    Indigenous communities, peoples and nations, the Afro-Ecuadorian people, the back-country people (montubios) of the inland coastal region, and communes are part of the single and indivisible Ecuadorian State. (Art. 56)
  • Spanish
    Las comunidades, pueblos, y nacionalidades indígenas, el pueblo afroecuatoriano, el pueblo montubio y las comunas forman parte del Estado ecuatoriano, único e indivisible. (Art. 56)
  • English
    To build up their identity, culture, traditions and rights, the collective rights of the Afro-Ecuadorian people are recognized, as set forth in the Constitution, the law, and human rights agreements, conventions, declarations and other international instruments. (Art. 58)
  • Spanish
    Para fortalecer su identidad, cultura, tradiciones y derechos, se reconocen al pueblo afroecuatoriano los derechos colectivos establecidos en la Constitución, la ley y los pactos, convenios, declaraciones y demás instrumentos internacionales de derechos humanos. (Art. 58)
  • English
    The collective rights of the coastal back-country people (montubios) are recognized to guarantee their process of integral, sustainable and durable human development, the policies and strategies for their progress and their forms of societal management, on the basis of knowledge about their reality and respect for their culture, identity, and own vision, in accordance with the law. (Art. 59)
  • Spanish
    Se reconocen los derechos colectivos de los pueblos montubios para garantizar su proceso de desarrollo humano integral, sustentable y sostenible, las políticas y estrategias para su progreso y sus formas de administración asociativa, a partir del conocimiento de su realidad y el respeto a su cultura, identidad y visión propia, de acuerdo con la ley. (Art. 59)
  • English
    Ancestral, indigenous, Afro-Ecuadorian and coastal back-country (montubios) peoples can establish territorial districts for the preservation of their culture. The law shall regulate their establishment.
    Communities (comunas) that have collective land ownership are recognized as an ancestral form of territorial organization. (Art. 60)
  • Spanish
    Los pueblos ancestrales, indígenas, afroecuatorianos y montubios podrán constituir circunscripciones territoriales para la preservación de su cultura. La ley regulará su conformación.
    Se reconoce a las comunas que tienen propiedad colectiva de la tierra, como una forma ancestral de organización territorial. (Art. 60)
  • English
    Within the framework of political-administrative organization, indigenous or Afro-Ecuadorian territorial districts may be formed. These shall have jurisdiction over the respective autonomous territorial government and shall be governed by the principles of interculturalism and plurinationalism, and in accordance with collective rights.
    Parishes, cantons and provinces comprised in their majority of indigenous, Afro-Ecuadorian, coastal back-country (montubio) or ancestral communities, peoples or nations may take up this special administration system following a referendum passed by at least two thirds of the valid votes. Two or more districts administered by indigenous or pluricultural territorial governments may integrate and form a new district. The law shall set forth the rules for the structure, operation and competences of such districts. (Art. 257)
  • Spanish
    En el marco de la organización político administrativa podrán conformarse circunscripciones territoriales indígenas o afroecuatorianas, que ejercerán las competencias del gobierno territorial autónomo correspondiente, y se regirán por principios de interculturalidad, plurinacionalidad y de acuerdo con los derechos colectivos.
    Las parroquias, cantones o provincias conformados mayoritariamente por comunidades, pueblos o nacionalidades indígenas, afroecuatorianos, montubios o ancestrales podrán adoptar este régimen de administración especial, luego de una consulta aprobada por al menos las dos terceras partes de los votos válidos. Dos o más circunscripciones administradas por gobiernos territoriales indígenas o pluriculturales podrán integrarse y conformar una nueva circunscripción. La ley establecerá las normas de conformación, funcionamiento y competencias de estas circunscripciones. (Art. 257)
Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024

Art. 261 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.

Art. 142 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.
Art. 142 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.
Art. 261 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.