Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador 2008, as amended to 2021
  • English
    The President of the Republic performs the duties of the Executive Branch of Government and is the Head of State and Government and is in charge of public administration.
    The Executive Branch is comprised of the Office of the President and the Office of the Vice-President of the Republic, the Ministries of State and the other organizations and institutions needed to fulfill, in the framework of their competence, the attributions of Leadership, planning, implementation and evaluation of national public policies and plans that are created to implement them. (Art. 141)
  • Spanish
    La Presidenta o Presidente de la República ejerce la Función Ejecutiva, es el Jefe del Estado y de Gobierno y responsable de la administración pública.
    La Función Ejecutiva está integrada por la Presidencia y Vicepresidencia de la República, los Ministerios de Estado y los demás organismos e instituciones necesarios para cumplir, en el ámbito de su competencia, las atribuciones de rectoría, planificación, ejecución y evaluación de las políticas públicas nacionales y planes que se creen para ejecutarlas. (Art. 141)
  • English

    The following are the attributions and duties of the President of the Republic, in addition to those stipulated by law:

    9. To appoint and remove from office Ministers of State
    … (Art. 147)

  • Spanish

    Son atribuciones y deberes de la Presidenta o Presidente de la República, además de los que determine la ley:

    9. Nombrar y remover a las ministras y ministros de Estado
    … (Art. 147)

  • English
    The Ministers of State shall be appointed and recalled at the discretion of the President of the Republic and shall represent him/her in matters inherent to the respective ministries for which they are responsible. They shall be held liable politically, civilly and criminally for the actions and contracts they enter into during the performance of their duties, regardless of the State's subsidiary civil responsibility.
    To be a standing Minister of State, one is required to be an Ecuadorian national, to be in possession of political rights and to not have incurred any disqualification or incompatibility, as provided for by the Constitution. The number of Ministers of State, their name and the competencies assigned to them shall be established by means of a decree issued by the Office of the President of the Republic. (Art. 151)
  • Spanish
    Las ministras y los ministros de Estado serán de libre nombramiento y remoción por la Presidenta o Presidente de la República, y lo representarán en los asuntos propios del ministerio a su cargo. Serán responsables política, civil y penalmente por los actos y contratos que realicen en el ejercicio de sus funciones, con independencia de la responsabilidad civil subsidiaria del Estado.
    Para ser titular de un ministerio de Estado se requerirá tener la nacionalidad ecuatoriana, estar en goce de los derechos políticos y no encontrarse en ninguno de los casos de inhabilidad o incompatibilidad previstos en la Constitución. El número de ministras o ministros de Estado, su denominación y las competencias que se les asigne serán establecidos mediante decreto expedido por la Presidencia de la República. (Art. 151)
Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024

Art. 261 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.

Art. 142 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.
Art. 142 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.
Art. 261 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.