Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador 2008, as amended to 2021
Customary Law
  • English
    Indigenous communes, communities, peoples and nations are recognized and guaranteed, in conformity with the Constitution and human rights agreements, conventions, declarations and other international instruments, the following collective rights:

    10. To create, develop, apply and practice their own legal system or common law, which cannot infringe constitutional rights, especially those of women, children and adolescents.

    The State shall guarantee the enforcement of these collective rights without any discrimination, in conditions of equality and equity between men and women. (Art. 57)
  • Spanish
    Se reconoce y garantizará a las comunas, comunidades, pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas, de conformidad con la Constitución y con los pactos, convenios, declaraciones y demás instrumentos internacionales de derechos humanos, los siguientes derechos colectivos:

    10. Crear, desarrollar, aplicar y practicar su derecho propio o consuetudinario, que no podrá vulnerar derechos constitucionales, en particular de las mujeres, niñas, niños y adolescentes.

    El Estado garantizará la aplicación de estos derechos colectivos sin discriminación alguna, en condiciones de igualdad y equidad entre mujeres y hombres. (Art. 57)
Customary Law
  • English
    The authorities of the indigenous communities, peoples, and nations shall perform jurisdictional duties, on the basis of their ancestral traditions and their own system of law, within their own territories, with a guarantee for the participation of, and decision-making by, women. The authorities shall apply their own standards and procedures for the settlement of internal disputes, as long as they are not contrary to the Constitution and human rights enshrined in international instruments.
    The State shall guarantee that the decisions of indigenous jurisdiction are observed by public institutions and authorities. These decisions shall be subject to monitoring of their constitutionality. The law shall establish the mechanisms for coordination and cooperation between indigenous jurisdiction and regular jurisdiction. (Art. 171)
  • Spanish
    Las autoridades de las comunidades, pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas ejercerán funciones jurisdiccionales, con base en sus tradiciones ancestrales y su derecho propio, dentro de su ámbito territorial, con garantía de participación y decisión de las mujeres. Las autoridades aplicarán normas y procedimientos propios para la solución de sus conflictos internos, y que no sean contrarios a la Constitución y a los derechos humanos reconocidos en instrumentos internacionales.
    El Estado garantizará que las decisiones de la jurisdicción indígena sean respetadas por las instituciones y autoridades públicas. Dichas decisiones estarán sujetas al control de constitucionalidad. La ley establecerá los mecanismos de coordinación y cooperación entre la jurisdicción indígena y la jurisdicción ordinaria. (Art. 171)
Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024

Art. 261 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.

Art. 142 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.
Art. 142 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.
Art. 261 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.