Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador 1983, as amended to 2014
Political Parties
  • English
    The Government is republican, democratic and representative.
    The political system is pluralist and expresses itself through the political parties, which are the only instrument for the exercise of the representation of the People within the Government. The norms, [the] organization and [the] functioning will be subject to the principles of [a] representative democracy.
    The existence of a sole official party is incompatible with the democratic system and with the form of government established in this Constitution. (Art. 85)
  • Spanish
    El Gobierno es republicano, democrático y representativo.
    El sistema político es pluralista y se expresa por medio de los partidos políticos, que son el único instrumento para el ejercicio de la representación del pueblo dentro del Gobierno. Las normas, organización y funcionamiento se sujetarán a los principios de la democracia representativa.
    La existencia de un partido único oficial es incompatible con el sistema democrático y con la forma de gobierno establecidos en esta Constitución. (Art. 85)
Political Parties
  • English
    The State recognizes the political debt as a mechanism of finance for the contending political parties, which is aimed towards promoting their freedom and independence. The secondary law will regulate what is referent to this matter. (Art. 210)
  • Spanish
    El Estado reconoce la deuda política como un mecanismo de financiamiento para los partidos políticos contendientes, encaminado a promover su libertad e independencia. La ley secundaria regulará lo referente a esta materia. (Art. 210)

Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador 1983, as amended to 2014 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). According to Art. 62: “The official language of El Salvador is Castilian Spanish [castellano]. …”

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