Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador 1983, as amended to 2014
Head of State
  • English
    The President and the Vice President of the Republic, the Ministers and [the] Vice-Ministers of State and their dependant functionaries, compose the Executive Organ. (Art. 150)
  • Spanish
    El Presidente y el Vicepresidente de la República, los Ministros y Viceministros de Estado y sus funcionarios dependientes, integran el Órgano Ejecutivo. (Art. 150)
Head of State
  • English
    To be elected President of the Republic it is required: to be a Salvadoran by birth, [a] child of a Salvadoran father or mother; of secular estate [de estado seglar], over thirty years of age, of notable morality and knowledge; [to] be in the exercise of the rights of citizenship, to have been so for the six years preceding the election and to be affiliated to one of the legally recognized political parties. (Art. 151)
  • Spanish
    Para ser elegido Presidente de la República se requiere: ser salvadoreño por nacimiento, hijo de padre o madre salvadoreño; del estado seglar, mayor de treinta años de edad, de moralidad e instrucción notorias; estar en el ejercicio de los derechos de ciudadano, haberlo estado en los seis años anteriores a la elección y estar afiliado a uno de los partidos políticos reconocidos legalmente. (Art. 151)
Head of State
  • English
    [The following] are the attributions and obligations of the President of the Republic:
    1) To observe [cumplir] and have observed [hacer cumplir] the Constitution, the treaties, the laws, and other legal provisions;
    … (Art. 168)
  • Spanish
    Son atribuciones y obligaciones del Presidente de la República:
    1º- Cumplir y hacer cumplir la Constitución, los tratados, las leyes y demás disposiciones legales;
    … (Art. 168)

Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador 1983, as amended to 2014 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). According to Art. 62: “The official language of El Salvador is Castilian Spanish [castellano]. …”

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