Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador 1983, as amended to 2014
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English
    … the Procurator for the Defense of Human Rights will be elected by the Legislative Assembly by a qualified majority of the two-thirds part of the Deputies elected.
    … (Art. 192)
  • Spanish
    … el Procurador para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, serin elegidos por la Asamblea Legislativa, por mayoria calificada de los dos tercios de los Diputados electos.
    … (Art. 192)
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English
    The Procurator for the Defense of Human Rights and the Procurator General of the Republic, will have the following functions:
    I. It corresponds to the Procurator for the Defense of Human Rights:
    1) To see to the respect [for] and guarantee of [the] human rights;
    2) To investigate, of office[,] or through a complaint [denuncia] received, the cases of violations of human rights;
    3) To assist [the] alleged [presuntas] victims of violations to human rights;
    4) To promote judicial or administrative recourses for the protection of [the] human rights;
    5) To monitor [vigilar] the situation of the persons deprived of [their] freedom. He will be notified of all the arrests [made] and will see [cuidara] that the legal limits of [the] administrative detention are respected;
    6) To carry out inspections, where he deems necessary, in order to assure the respect for the human rights;
    7) To supervise the acts of the public administration[,] as opposed to [frente] persons;
    8) To promote reforms before the Organs of the State for the progress of [the] human rights;
    9) To issue opinions concerning [the] Bills of law that affect the exercise of the human rights;
    10) To promote and propose the measures deemed necessary in order to prevent violations of the human rights;
    11) To publicly or privately formulate conclusions and recommendations;
    12) To prepare and publish reports;
    13) To develop a permanent program of activities of promotion concerning the knowledge of[,] and respect for[,] [the] human rights;
    14) The others that the Constitution or the law attribute to him.
    The Procurator for the Defense of Human Rights may have departmental and local delegates of [a] permanent character.
    II. It corresponds to the Procurator General of the Republic:
    1) To see to the defense of the family and of the persons and interests of the minors and others [who are] incapable;
    2) To provide legal assistance to the persons of limited economic resources, and to represent them judicially in the defense of their individual freedom and labor rights;
    3) To appoint, remove, grant leaves of absence to, and accept the resignations of the Auxiliary Procurators of all the Tribunals of the Republic, of [the] Labor Procurators and of the other functionaries and employees of their dependency;
    4) To exercise the other attributions that the law establishes. (Art. 194)
  • Spanish
    El Procurador para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos y el procurador General de la Republica, tendran las siguientes funciones:
    I.- corresponde al Procurador para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos:
    1º- velar por el respeto y la garantia a los derechos humanos;
    2º- investigar, de oficio o por denuncia que hubiere recibido, casos de violaciones a los derechos humanos;
    3º- asistir a las presuntas victimas de violaciones a los derechos humanos;
    4º- promover recursos judiciales o administrativos para la protección de los derechos humanos;
    5º- vigilar la situacion de las personas privadas de su libertad. Sera notificado de todo arresto y cuidara que sean respetados los limites legales de la detencion administrativa;
    6º- practicar inspecciones, donde lo estime necesario, en orden a asegurar el respeto a los derechos humanos;
    7º- supervisar la actuacion de la administracion publica frente a las personas;
    8º- promover reformas ante los Organos del Estado para el progreso de los derechos humanos;
    9º- emitir opiniones sobre proyectos de leyes que afecten el ejercicio de los derechos humanos;
    10º- promover y proponer las medidas que estime necesarias en orden a prevenir violaciones a los derechos humanos;
    11º- formular conclusiones y recomendaciones publica o privadamente;
    12º- elaborar y publicar informes;
    13º- desarrollar un programa permanente de actividades de promocion sobre el conocimiento y respeto de los derechos humanos;
    14º- las demás que le atribuyan la constitucion o la ley.
    El Procurador para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos podra tener delegados departamentales y locales de caracter permanente.
    II.- Corresponde al Procurador General de la Republica:
    1º- velar por la defensa de la familia y de las personas e intereses de los menores y demás incapaces;
    2º- dar asistencia legal a las personas de escasos recursos económicos, y representarlas judicialmente en la defensa de su libertad individual y de sus derechos laborales;
    3º- nombrar, remover, conceder licencias y aceptar renuncias a los Procuradores Auxiliares de todos los Tribunales de la Republica, a los procuradores de trabajo y a los demas funcionarios y empleados de su dependencia;
    4º- ejercer las demas atribuciones que establezca la ley. (Art. 194)

Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador 1983, as amended to 2014 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). According to Art. 62: “The official language of El Salvador is Castilian Spanish [castellano]. …”

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