Political Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala 1985, as amended to 1993
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    We, the representatives of the people of Guatemala, … recognizing the family as the primary and fundamental genesis of the spiritual and moral values of the society and the State, as [the one] responsible for promoting the common good, of the consolidation of the regime of legality, security, justice, equality, freedom and peace;
    … (Preamble)
  • Spanish
    Nosotros, los representantes del pueblo de Guatemala, … reconociendo a la familia como génesis primario y fundamental de los valores espirituales y morales de la sociedad y, al Estado, como responsable de la promoción del bien común, de la consolidación del régimen de legalidad, seguridad, justicia, igualdad, libertad y paz;
    … (Preámbulo)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    In Guatemala[,] all [of the] human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights. The man and the woman, whatever their civil status may be, have equal opportunities and responsibilities. … (Art. 4)
  • Spanish
    En Guatemala todos los seres humanos son libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos. El hombre y la mujer, cualquiera que sea su estado civil, tienen iguales oportunidades y responsabilidades. … (Art. 4)
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