Political Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala 1985, as amended to 1993
Obligations of the State
  • English
    We, the representatives of the people of Guatemala, … decided to promote the complete validity [vigencia] of the Human Rights within a stable, permanent, and popular institutional order, [one] where the governed and the governors [can] proceed with absolute attachment to the law;
    … (Preamble)
  • Spanish
    Nosotros, los representantes del pueblo de Guatemala, … decididos a impulsar la plena vigencia de los Derechos Humanos dentro de un orden institucional estable, permanente y popular, donde gobernados y gobernantes procedan con absoluto apego al derecho;
    … (Preámbulo)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    The rights and [the] guarantees granted by the Constitution do not exclude others that, even though they are not expressly mentioned in it, are inherent to the human person.

    The laws and the government provisions or [those of] any other order that reduce, restrict, or distort the rights guaranteed by the Constitution are void ipso jure. (Art. 44)
  • Spanish
    Los derechos y garantías que otorga la Constitución no excluyen otros que, aunque no figuren expresamente en ella, son inherentes a la persona humana.

    Serán nulas ipso jure las leyes y las disposiciones gubernativas o de cualquier otro orden que disminuyan, restrinjan o tergiversen los derechos que la Constitución garantiza. (Art. 44)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    The general principle that within matters of human rights, the treaties and agreements approved and ratified by Guatemala, have preeminence over the internal law[,] is established. (Art. 46)
  • Spanish
    Se establece el principio general de que en materia de derechos humanos, los tratados y convenciones aceptados y ratificados por Guatemala, tienen preeminencia sobre el derecho interno. (Art. 46)
Obligations of the State
  • English

    Education, instruction, social development and the systematic teaching of the Constitution of the Republic and of the human rights are declared to be of national interest. (Art. 72)
  • Spanish

    Se declaran de interés nacional la educación, la instrucción, formación social y la enseñanza sistemática de la Constitución de la República y de los derechos humanos. (Art. 72)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    Guatemala is a free, independent and sovereign State, organized to guarantee to its inhabitants the enjoyment of their rights and freedoms. … (Art. 140)
  • Spanish
    Guatemala es un Estado libre, independiente y soberano, organizado para garantizar a sus habitantes el goce de sus derechos y de sus libertades. … (Art. 140)
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