Political Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua 1987, as amended to 2021
  • English

    The following are attributions of the President of the Republic:
    6) To appoint and to remove the Ministers and Vice Ministers of State, Procurator and Sub-Procurator General of the Republic, Directors of Autonomous and Governmental Entities, Heads of Diplomatic Missions, and Heads of Special Missions, duly bringing the appointment to the cognizance of the National Assembly, within the time [termino] of three days for its ratification, which will be considered final [firme] when the National Assembly ratifies it, as well as to remove the functionaries from their offices [cargos] in the cases in which the National Assembly has so decided in use of its attributions.
    ... (Art. 150)

  • Spanish

    Son atribuciones del Presidente de la República, las siguientes:
    6) Nombrar y remover a los Ministros y Viceministros de Estado, Procurador y Subprocurador General de la República, Directores de entes autónomos y gubernamentales, Jefes de Misiones Diplomáticas, y Jefes de Misiones Especiales, debiendo poner en conocimiento de la Asamblea Nacional, dentro del término de tres días, el nombramiento para su ratificación, el cual se considerará firme hasta que la Asamblea Nacional lo ratifique, así como destituir de sus cargos a los funcionarios en los casos que la Asamblea Nacional lo haya decidido en uso de sus atribuciones.
    ... (Art. 150)

  • English

    The Council of Ministers will be presided over by the President of the Republic and, in his [su] default [defecto], by the Vice President. The Council of Ministers will be integrated by the Vice President of the Republic and the Ministers of State. Its functions are determined by the Constitution.
    ... (Art. 151)

  • Spanish

    El Consejo de Ministros, será presidido por el Presidente de la República, y, en su defecto, por el Vicepresidente. El Consejo de Ministros estará integrado por el Vicepresidente de la República y los Ministros de Estado. Sus funciones son determinadas por la Constitución.
    ... (Art. 151)

  • English

    To be [a] Minister, Vice Minister, President or Director of Autonomous and Governmental Entities, Ambassadors and Superior Heads of the Army and the Police, the following qualifications [calidades] are required:
    1) To be a national of Nicaragua. Those that have acquired other nationality must have renounced it at least four years prior to the date of their appointment.
    2) To be in full enjoyment of one's political and civil rights.
    3) To have completed twenty-five years of age.
    4) To have resided in continuous form in the country [for] the four years prior to the date of their appointment, save that during this period [periodo] fulfilling [a] diplomatic mission, working in international organizations [organismos] or realizing study abroad.
    ... (Art. 152)

  • Spanish

    Para ser Ministro, Viceministro, Presidente o Director de Entes Autónomos y Gubernamentales, Embajadores y Jefes Superiores del Ejército y la Policía, se requiere de las siguientes calidades:
    1) Ser nacional de Nicaragua. Los que hubiesen adquirido otra nacionalidad deberán haber renunciado a ella al menos cuatro años antes de la fecha de su nombramiento.
    2) Estar en pleno goce de sus derechos políticos y civiles.
    3) Haber cumplido veinticinco años de edad.
    4) Haber residido en forma continua en el país los cuatro años anteriores a la fecha de su nombramiento, salvo que durante dicho período cumpliere misión diplomática, trabajare en organismos internacionales o realizare estudios en el extranjero.
    ... (Art. 152)


Political Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua 1987, as amended to 2021 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). According to Art. 11: “Spanish is the official language of the State. ...”

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Chapter II on Constitutional Control.


Chapter II on Constitutional Control.