Political Constitution of the Republic of Panama 1972, as amended to 2004
Judicial Protection
  • English
    Every person against whom a Public Officer shall issue or execute a mandatory order or an injunction violating the rights and guarantees established by this Constitution, shall have the right of the order being revoked upon his/her petition or the petition of any other person.
    The writ for protection of constitutional guarantee (amparo de garantías constitucionales), to which this Article refers, shall be subject to summary proceedings and the Cognizance of Courts of Law. (Art. 54)
  • Spanish
    Toda persona contra la cual se expida o se ejecute, por cualquier servidor público, una orden de hacer o de no hacer, que viole los derechos y garantías que esta Constitución consagra, tendrá derecho a que la orden sea revocada a petición suya o de cualquier persona.
    El recurso de amparo de garantías constitucionales a que este artículo se refiere, se tramitará mediante procedimiento sumario y será de competencia de los tribunales judiciales. (Art. 54)
Links to all sites last visited 28 February 2024
Chapter 3 on Work.
Chapter 8 on Agrarian System.
Chapter 8 on Agrarian System.