Political Constitution of Peru 1993, as amended to 2023
Status of the Constitution
  • English

    All Peruvians have the duty to honor Peru and to protect the national interests, as well as to respect, comply with and to defend the Constitution and the juridical order of the Nation. (Art. 38)

  • Spanish

    Todos los peruanos tienen el deber de honrar al Perú y de proteger los intereses nacionales, así como de respetar, cumplir y defender la Constitución y el ordenamiento jurídico de la Nación. (Art. 38)

Status of the Constitution
  • English

    The Constitution prevails over any legal norm; the law, over the norms of inferior hierarchy, and so successively. Publicity is essential for the effectiveness of all norms of the State. (Art. 51)

  • Spanish

    La Constitución prevalece sobre toda norma legal; la ley, sobre las normas de inferior jerarquía, y así sucesivamente. La publicidad es esencial para la vigencia de toda norma del Estado. (Art. 51)

Status of the Constitution
  • English

    When a treaty affects constitutional provisions it must be adopted by the same procedure that governs the reform of the Constitution, before being ratified by the President of the Republic.
    … (Art. 57)

  • Spanish

    Cuando el tratado afecte disposiciones constitucionales debe ser aprobado por el mismo procedimiento que rige la reforma de la Constitución, antes de ser ratificado por el Presidente de la República.
    ... (Art. 57)

Status of the Constitution
  • English

    In any process, [where] incompatibility exists between a constitutional norm and a legal norm, the judges show preference for the first one. … (Art. 138)

  • Spanish

    En todo proceso, de existir incompatibilidad entre una norma constitucional y una norma legal, los jueces prefieren la primera. … (Art. 138)

Status of the Constitution
  • English

    The decision of the Constitutional Tribunal declaring the unconstitutionality of a norm is published in the official gazette. On the day following the publication, said norm is without effect.
    The decision of the Tribunal that declares a legal norm, in whole or in part, unconstitutional[,] does not have retroactive effect. (Art. 204)

  • Spanish

    La sentencia del Tribunal que declara la inconstitucionalidad de una norma se publica en el diario oficial. Al día siguiente de la publicación, dicha norma queda sin efecto.
    No tiene efecto retroactivo la sentencia del Tribunal que declara inconstitucional, en todo o en parte, una norma legal. (Art. 204)


Political Constitution of Peru 1993, as amended to 2023 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2023). According to Art. 48: “Official languages of the State are Castilian and, in the zones where predominant, Quechua, Aymara and the other aboriginal tongues are also, in accordance with the law.”


Political Constitution of Peru 1993, as amended to 2023 (Spanish), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2023).

Documents last visited 7 December 2023

Chapter I on Fundamental Rights of the Person.


Chapter I on Fundamental Rights of the Person.


The English translation of Article 9 is not correct. The number of Congressmen is one hundred thirty.