Political Constitution of Peru 1993, as amended to 2023
Protection from Violence
  • English

    Every person has the right:
    1. To life, to his identity, to his moral, psychic and physical integrity and to his free development and well-being.

    24. to [personal] freedom and to personal security. Consequently:

    b. ... Slavery, servitude and trafficking in human beings in any of its forms, are prohibited.

    h. No one may be a victim of moral, psychic or physical violence, nor be subjected to torture or to inhuman or humiliating treatments. Anyone may immediately request a medical examination of the person injured or of he who is unable to appeal to the authority by himself. Declarations obtained by violence are of no value [carecen de valor]. Whoever employs them incurs responsibility. (Art. 2)

  • Spanish

    Toda persona tiene derecho:
    1. A la vida, a su identidad, a su integridad moral, psíquica y física y a su libre desarrollo y bienestar.

    24. A la libertad y a la seguridad personales. En consecuencia:

    b. … Están prohibidas la esclavitud, la servidumbre y la trata de seres humanos en cualquiera de sus formas.

    h. Nadie debe ser víctima de violencia moral, psíquica o física, ni sometido a tortura o a tratos inhumanos o humillantes. Cualquiera puede pedir de inmediato el examen médico de la persona agraviada o de aquélla imposibilitada de recurrir por sí misma a la autoridad. Carecen de valor las declaraciones obtenidas por la violencia. Quien la emplea incurre en responsabilidad. (Art. 2)


Political Constitution of Peru 1993, as amended to 2023 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2023). According to Art. 48: “Official languages of the State are Castilian and, in the zones where predominant, Quechua, Aymara and the other aboriginal tongues are also, in accordance with the law.”


Political Constitution of Peru 1993, as amended to 2023 (Spanish), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2023).

Documents last visited 7 December 2023

Chapter I on Fundamental Rights of the Person.


Chapter I on Fundamental Rights of the Person.


The English translation of Article 9 is not correct. The number of Congressmen is one hundred thirty.