Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 1982, as amended to 2018
  • English
    The state develops socialist educational undertakings and works to raise the scientific and cultural level of the whole nation.
    The state runs schools of various types, makes primary education compulsory and universal, develops secondary, vocational and higher education and promotes pre-school education.
    The state develops educational facilities of various types in order to wipe out illiteracy and provide political, cultural, scientific, technical and professional education for workers, peasants, state functionaries and other working people. It encourages people to become educated through independent study.
    ... (Art. 19)
  • Chinese
    ... (第十九条)
  • English
    Citizens of the People’s Republic of China have the duty as well as the right to receive education.
    The state promotes the all-round moral, intellectual and physical development of children and young people. (Art. 46)
  • Chinese
    国家培养青年、少年、儿童在品德、智力、体质等方面全面发展。 (第四十六条)
  • English

    Parents have the duty to rear and educate their minor children, and children who have come of age have the duty to support and assist their parents.
    … (Art. 49)
  • Chinese

    … (第四十九条)
Links to all sites last visited 8 February 2024

There is a discrepancy in the order of paragraphs between the English and Chinese texts.