Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus 1960, as amended to 2019
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    Every person has the right to a decent existence and to social security. A law shall provide for the protection of the workers, assistance to the poor and for a system of social insurance. (Art. 9)
  • Greek
    Έκαστος έχει το δικαίωμα αξιοπρεπούς διαβιώσεως και κοινωνικής ασφαλείας. Ο νόμος θα προβλέψη περί προστασίας των εργατών, αρωγής προς τους πτωχούς και συστήματος κοινωνικών ασφαλίσεων. (Αρθρον 9)
  • Turkish
    Her şahıs, insanca bir hayat ve sosyal güvenlik hakkına sahiptir. İşçilerin korunması, fakirlere yardım ve sosyal sigorta sistemi bir kanunla düzenlenir. (Madde 9)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    1. Every person has the right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business.
    2. The exercise of this right may be subject to such formalities, conditions or restrictions as are prescribed by law and relate exclusively to the qualifications usually required for the exercise of any profession or are necessary only in the interests of the security of the Republic or the constitutional order or the public safety or the public order or the public health or the public morals or for the protection of the rights and liberties guaranteed by this Constitution to any person or in the public interest:
    Provided that no such formalities, conditions or restrictions purporting to be in the public interest shall be prescribed by a law if such formality, condition or restriction is contrary to the interests of either Community.
    … (Art. 25)
  • Greek
    1. Έκαστος έχει το δικαίωμα να ασκή οιονδήποτε επάγγελμα ή να επιδίδεται εις οιανδήποτε απασχόλησιν, εμπόριον ή επικερδή εργασίαν.
    2. Η άσκησις του δικαιώματος τούτου δύναται να υπαχθή εις τους υπό του νόμου τιθεμένους όρους, περιορισμούς ή διατυπώσεις, αναφερομένους αποκλειστικώς εις τα συνήθως απαιτούμενα διά την άσκησιν οιουδήποτε επαγγέλματος προσόντα ή οίτινες είναι απαραίτητοι μόνον προς το συμφέρον της ασφαλείας της Δημοκρατίας ή της συνταγματικής τάξεως ή της δημοσίας ασφαλείας ή της δημοσίας τάξεως ή της δημοσίας υγιείας ή των δημοσίων ηθών ή της προστασίας των δικαιωμάτων και ελευθεριών των ηγγυημένων υπό του Συντάγματος εις οιονδήποτε πρόσωπον ή προς το δημόσιον συμφέρον υπό τον όρον ότι διατυπώσεις, όροι και περιορισμοί δεν θα τίθενται διά νόμου κατ’ επίκλησιν του δημοσίου συμφέροντος εφ’ όσον είναι αντίθετοι προς τα συμφέροντα εκατέρας κοινότητος.
    … (Αρθρον 25)
  • Turkish
    1. Her şahıs; herhangi bir meslek, sanat, ticaret veya iş ile meşgul olma hakkına sahiptir.
    2. Bu hakkın kullanılması, münhasıran bir mesleğin yürütülmesinde genellikle gerekli vasıflara dair ya da yalnız Cumhuriyet güvenliği veya anayasal düzen veya kamu güvenliği veya kamu düzeni veya kamu sağlığı veya kamu ahlakı yararına veya bu Anayasanın herhangi bir şahsa sağladığı hak ve hürriyetlerin korunması veya kamu yararı için kanunla düzenlenen formalitelere, şartlara veya kısıtlamalara tabi tutulabilir:
    Ancak bir formalite, şart veya kısıtlama, iki Cemaatten herhangi birinin menfaatlerine aykırı ise böyle bir formalite, şart veya kısıtlama kamu yararına olduğu iddiasıyla kanunla düzenlenemez.
    ... (Madde 25)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    1. Every person has the right to enter freely into any contract subject to such conditions, limitations or restrictions as are laid down by the general principles of the law of contract. A law shall provide for the prevention of exploitation by persons who are commanding economic power.
    2. A law may provide for collective labour contracts of obligatory fulfilment by employers and workers with adequate protection of the rights of any person, whether or not represented at the conclusion of such contract. (Art. 26)
  • Greek
    1. Έκαστος έχει το δικαίωμα του συμβάλλεσθαι ελευθέρως. Τούτο υπέκειται εις όρους, περιορισμούς ή δεσμεύσεις τιθεμένους επί τη βάσει των γενικών αρχών του δικαίου των συμβάσεων. Νόμος θέλει προβλέψει διά την πρόληψιν εκμεταλλεύσεως υπό προσώπων, άτινα διαθέτουσιν ιδιάζουσαν οικονομικήν ισχύν.
    2. Νόμος δύναται να ρυθμίση τας συλλογικάς συμβάσεις εργασίας, υποχρεωτικώς εφαρμοζομένας υπό των εργοδοτών και των εργαζομένων, προστατευομένων επαρκώς των δικαιωμάτων οιουδήποτε ατόμου αδιακρίτως της αντιπροσωπεύσεως τούτου κατά την σύναψιν τοιαύτης συμβάσεως. (Αρθρον 26)
  • Turkish
    1. Her şahıs, sözleşme hukukunun genel ilkelerinin belirlediği şartlar, sınırlamalar veya kısıtlamalara tabi olmak kaydıyla serbestçe sözleşme yapma hakkına sahiptir. Ekonomik gücü yöneten şahıslar tarafından istismarı kanun önler.
    2. Bir kanun, işverenler ve işçiler arasında mecburi toplu iş sözleşmeleri yapılmasını, böyle bir sözleşmenin akdinde temsil edilen veya edilmeyen herhangi bir şahsın haklarını uygun şekilde korumak üzere sağlayabilir. (Madde 26)

Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus 1960, as amended to 2015 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2019). Consolidated version as amended to 2019 not publicly available. According to Art. 3(1): "The official languages of the Republic are Greek and Turkish.”


Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus 1960, as amended to 2019 (Turkish). In-house translation by UN Women (2020).

Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
For all provisions on jurisdiction and access, refer to Articles 137-151.
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Liberties.
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Liberties.
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Liberties.
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Liberties.