Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus 1960, as amended to 2019
Political Rights and Association
  • English

    2. Every person has the right to freedom of association with others, … (Art. 21)
  • Greek

    2. Έκαστος έχει το δικαίωμα του συνεταιρίζεσθαι μετ’ άλλων … (Αρθρον 21)
  • Turkish

    2. Her şahıs, toplanma hürriyeti hakkına sahiptir... (Madde 21)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    Every citizen has, subject to the provisions of this Constitution and any electoral law of the Republic or of the relevant Communal Chamber made thereunder, the right to vote in any election held under this Constitution or any such law. (Art. 31)
  • Greek
    Τηρουμένων των διατάξεων του Συντάγματος και οιωνδήποτε δυνάμει τούτου ψηφιζομένων εκλογικών νόμων της Δημοκρατίας ή της αρμοδίας Κοινοτικής Συνελεύσεως, πας πολίτης δικαιούται να ψηφίζη εις οιανδήποτε εκλογήν διενεργουμένην συμφώνως τω Συντάγματι και οιωδήποτε τοιούτω νόμω. (Αρθρον 31)
  • Turkish
    Her vatandaş, bu Anayasanın ve onun gereğince yapılan herhangi bir Cumhuriyet veya ilgili Cemaat Meclisi seçim kanununun hükümlerine uygun olarak, bu Anayasa veya herhangi böyle bir kanun gereğince yapılan herhangi bir seçimde oy kullanma hakkına sahiptir. (Madde 31)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    1. Subject to paragraph 2 of this Article every citizen of the Republic who has attained the age of twenty-one years and has such residential qualifications as may be prescribed by the Electoral Law shall have the right to be registered as an elector in either the Greek or the Turkish electoral list:
    Provided that the members of the Greek Community shall only be registered in the Greek electoral list and the members of the Turkish Community shall only be registered in the Turkish electoral list.
    2. No person shall be qualified to be registered as an elector who is disqualified for such registration by virtue of the Electoral Law. (Art. 63)
  • Greek
    Τηρουμένων των διατάξεων της δευτέρας παραγράφου του παρόντος άρθρου πας πολίτης της Δημοκρατίας έχων συμπληρώσει το δέκατο όγδοο έτος της ηλικίας αυτού και έχων τα υπό του εκλογικού νόμου καθοριζόμενα προσόντα διαμονής δικαιούται να εγγραφεί ως εκλογεύς είτε εις τον ελληνικόν είτε εις τον τουρκικόν εκλογικόν κατάλογον. Τα μέλη της ελληνικής κοινότητος όμως θα εγγράφονται μόνον εις τον ελληνικόν εκλογικόν κατάλογον, τα δε μέλη της τουρκικής κοινότητος μόνον εις τον τουρκικόν εκλογικόν κατάλογον.
    Ουδείς δικαιούται να εγγραφεί ως εκλογεύς, εφόσον δεν κέκτηται τα υπό του εκλογικού νόμου απαιτούμενα προς εγγραφήν προσόντα. (Αρθρον 63)
  • Turkish
    1. Bu Maddenin 2. fıkrası hükümleri saklı kalmak şartıyla, yirmi bir yaşını doldurmuş ve Seçim Kanununda gösterilen ikamet şartlarına sahip her Cumhuriyet vatandaşı seçmen olarak Rum veya Türk seçim listesinden birine kaydedilme hakkına sahiptir:
    Ancak, Rum Cemaati üyeleri yalnız Rum seçim listesine ve Türk Cemaati üyeleri yalnız Türk seçim listesine kayıt edilebilir.
    2. Seçim Kanunu uyarınca kayıt dışı bırakılan bir şahıs, seçmen olarak kaydedilme hakkına sahip değildir. (Madde 63)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    1. Subject to paragraph 2 of this Article every citizen of the Republic who has attained the age of twenty-one years and has such residential qualifications as may be prescribed by the respective communal electoral law shall have the right to be registered as an elector in the respective communal electoral list:
    Provided that the members of the Greek Community shall only be registered in the Greek communal electoral list and the members of the Turkish Community shall only-be registered in the Turkish communal electoral list.
    2. No person shall be qualified to be registered as an elector who is disqualified for such registration by virtue of the respective communal electoral law. (Art. 94)
  • Greek
    Τηρουμένων των διατάξεων της δευτέρας παραγράφου του παρόντος άρθρου, πας πολίτης της Δημοκρατίας, έχων συμπληρώσει το εικοστόν πρώτον έτος της ηλικίας αυτού και έχων τα υπό του αντιστοίχου κοινοτικού εκλογικού νόμου καθοριζόμενα προσόντα διαμονής, δικαιούται να εγγραφεί ως εκλογεύς εις τον αντίστοιχον εκλογικόν κοινοτικόν κατάλογον.
    Τα μέλη της ελληνικής κοινότητος εγγράφονται μόνον εις τον ελληνικόν κοινοτικόν εκλογικόν κατάλογον και τα μέλη της τουρκικής κοινότητος εγγράφονται μόνον εις τον τουρκικόν κοινοτικόν εκλογικόν κατάλογον.
    Ουδείς δικαιούται να εγγραφεί εις τον κοινοτικόν εκλογικόν κατάλογον ως εκλογεύς, εφ’ όσον δεν κέκτηται τα υπό του αντιστοίχου κοινοτικού εκλογικού νόμου απαιτούμενα προς εγγραφήν προσόντα. (Αρθρον 94)
  • Turkish
    1. Bu Maddenin 2. fıkrası hükümleri saklı kalmak şartıyla, yirmi bir yaşını doldurmuş ve ilgili cemaat seçim kanununda gösterilen ikamet şartlarına sahip her Cumhuriyet vatandaşı, ilgili cemaat seçim listesine seçmen olarak kaydedilme hakkına sahiptir:
    Ancak, Rum Cemaati üyeleri yalnız Rum cemaat seçim listesine ve Türk Cemaati üyeleri yalnız Türk Cemaat seçim listesine kayıt edilebilir.
    2. İlgili cemaat seçim kanunu gereğince kayıt dışı bırakılan bir şahıs, seçmen olarak kaydedilme hakkına sahip değildir. (Madde 94)

Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus 1960, as amended to 2015 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2019). Consolidated version as amended to 2019 not publicly available. According to Art. 3(1): "The official languages of the Republic are Greek and Turkish.”


Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus 1960, as amended to 2019 (Turkish). In-house translation by UN Women (2020).

Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
For all provisions on jurisdiction and access, refer to Articles 137-151.
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Liberties.
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Liberties.
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Liberties.
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Liberties.