Constitution of the Republic of Iraq 2005
Customary Law
  • English
    Second: The State shall seek the advancement of the Iraqi clans and tribes, shall attend to their affairs in a manner that is consistent with religion and the law, and shall uphold their noble human values in a way that contributes to the development of society. The State shall prohibit the tribal traditions that are in contradiction with human rights. (Art. 45)
  • Arabic

    ثانياً :ـ تحرص الدولة على النهوض بالقبائل والعشائر العراقية، وتهتم بشؤونها بما ينسجم مع الدين والقانون، وتعزز قيمها الإنسانية النبيلة، بما يساهم في تطوير المجتمع، وتمنع الاعراف العشائرية التي تتنافى مع حقوق الانسان. (المادة 45)

Constitution of Iraq 2005 (English). According to Art. 4, First: "The Arabic language and the Kurdish language are the two official languages of Iraq. …"

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