Constitution of the Republic of Iraq 2005
Political Parties
  • English
    First: The freedom to form and join associations and political parties shall be guaranteed, and this shall be regulated by law.
    Second: It is not permissible to force any person to join any party, society, or political entity, or force him to continue his membership in it. (Art. 39)
  • Arabic
    اولاً :ـ حرية تأسيس الجمعيات والاحزاب السياسية، او الانضمام اليها، مكفولةٌ، وينظم ذلك بقانون.
    ثانياً :ـ لا يجوز اجبار أحدٍ على الانضمام الى اي حزبٍ او جمعيةٍ أو جهةٍ سياسية، او اجباره على الاستمرار في العضوية فيها. (المادة 39)

Constitution of Iraq 2005 (English). According to Art. 4, First: "The Arabic language and the Kurdish language are the two official languages of Iraq. …"

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