Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 1972, as amended to 2023
Public Institutions and Services
  • English

    The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea regards the steady improvement of the material and cultural standards of the people as the supreme principle of its activities.
    The increasing material wealth of society in our country, where taxes have been abolished, is used entirely to promote the well-being of the working people.
    The State shall provide all the working people with every condition for obtaining food, clothing, goods for daily use and living. (Art. 25)

  • Korean

    조선민주주의인민공화국은 인민들의 물질문화생활을 끊임없이 높이는것을 자기 활동의 최고원칙으로 삼는다.
    세금이 없어진 우리 나라에서 늘어나는 사회의 물질적부는 전적으로 근로자들의 복리증진에 돌려진다.
    국가는 모든 근로자들에게 먹고 입고 쓰고 살수 있는 온갖 조건을 마련하여준다. (제25조)

Public Institutions and Services
  • English

    The State shall afford special protection to mothers and children by providing maternity leave, reduced working hours for mothers with several children, a wide network of maternity hospitals, crèches and kindergartens, and other measures.
    … (Art. 77)
  • Korean

    국가는 산전산후휴가의 보장, 여러 어린이를 가진 어머니를 위한 로동시간의 단축, 산원, 탁아소와 유치원망의 확장 그밖의 시책을 통하여 어머니와 어린이를 특별히 보호한다.
    ... (제77조)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English

    Marriage and the family shall be protected by the State.
    The State pays great attention to consolidating the family, the basic unit of social life. (Art. 78)

  • Korean

    결혼과 가정은 국가의 보호를 받는다.
    국가는 사회의 기층생활단위인 가정을 공고히 하는데 깊은 관심을 돌린다. (제78조)


Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 1972, as amended to 2019 (English). Consolidated version as amended to 2023 is not publicly available, concerns a provision (art. 58) that is not of direct relevance to the database.

Links to all sites last visited 8 March 2024